Supo-pod Burster

A dangerous natural trap that many a hunter like to utilize for more dangerous prey and conflicts, especially in more confined spaces.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Deployment Time and Tools: Similarly to the Snareroot Satchel, the Supo-pod Burster can be deployed via direct ranged attack delivery or rigged up over 1 minute's work as a trap, rigged to anything from a door to a tripline to a pressure plate. Requires a Supo-pod seed.

Effected Area: A fifteen foot radius cloud.

Trigger Mechanism/Conditions: Requires a sudden impact. Ranged attack delivery, dropping from a hieght of six feet or more, being stepped on, all these are viable options.

Immediate Effects: Upon being activated, the seed bursts, releasing a cloud of dangerous spores and dust. Those within the radius of this sudden cloud must make a Toughness Defense Test. Should they fail, they take 1d6+4 Poison damage immediately, and are afflicted with both Confused (1) and Toxic (1) conditions. Those whom succeed take half damage and are not afflicted with either condition

Lasting Effects: The cloud lasts for 1 minute and any creature that chooses to enter or move through it on their turn, or starts their turn within it, must make the appropriate defense test or suffer the above listed effects. The conditions last until 1 round after a creature leaves the cloud.
Item type


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