Tunneler Mutagen

"Now I warn you, this may feel a bit...strange. Your hands will be changing, your vision may become a bit....well off. But you'll find you'll have a different...sense of a sorts. It is difficult to explain. Oh and also, this is going to taste absolutely terrible.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

CN: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Toxicity: Ingesting this concoction will deal 1d10 poison damage, or half that if the drinker can manage to succeed a Toughness Defense Test. If you are foolish enough to be trying to use more than one Mutagenic Compound at once, this damage increases by 3d10 for each mutagenic compound you've injested previously that is still acting upon you, and you would be afflicted with Toxic (3) Condition.

Duration: 4 hours

Basic Effects: Your hands change and alter, badger or mole like claws and paws becoming what your hands are. You gain a burrowing speed in soft soil/mud equal to your movement speed. Solid stone is impassible to you still, clay and other such more dense, semi-solid or exceedingly rocky soils are difficult terrain. You treat your Awareness Skill Progression as one training rank lower when it comes to Awareness Skill checks that are primarily sight. You also gain Tremorsense of 20 feet and a natural claw attack that does 1d4 damage

Rank II Effects: Your burrowing speed increases to 1.5 times your normal land speed. Your claws, enhanced by the topaz, can now cut through stone. Travel through stone is considered difficult terrain. Claw attack does 1d6. The Tremorsense increases to 40 feet.

Rank III Effects: Your burrowing speed increases to be 2 times your normal land speed. Solid stone does not count as difficult terrain to you anymore. Claw attack does 1d8. The tremorsense increases to 60 feet.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Raw materials & Components


  • 2 ounces of Dwarven Deep Stout

  • 2 ounces of badger excrement

  • 2 ounces of Powdered Topaz (Rare)


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