Vondiras Scavi-il {Shade-Born} (V-uh-on-di-rr-as Ss-ka-vee-ill)

Swift and silent, the methods of the pack.

Vondiras, the hunter's mantra

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vondiras is a little short for elven standards, two or three inches shorter than average, so this still has him standing over seven feet tall. He is of an athletic and powerful build, yet has a rather lithe and seemingly thin form, as is common amongst the elven peoples. His raven black hair he keeps in a trio of tightly wound braids that run down to just below his shoulders, and he seems to the uninitiated, to be almost made of shadows.

Body Features

His build, frame and skin tone really set that illusion and expectation of this sort of illusory effect that he seems to be made of shadows, seeming to blend in whenever he is under the cover of night or shadows. He is nimble, with quick reflexes, and shows his muscles show natural tone.

Facial Features

Vondiras' grey-ebon eyes are a dominant feature of his face, seeming distant and cool, almost empty. This is just the natural way of his kind whom are born of Scavi blood, and does not truly reflect their actual emotional selves. His face is naturally calm, serene, almost uncaring, despite that this does not necessarily reflect how he is emotionally feeling at the time.

Special abilities

As with all Woad Elves, Vondiras is born of Manna, touched by the Arcane even slightly, even though he has not an ounce of true magick talent. Despite this, like all of his kind and kindred, he does have a small sort of ability at his disposal tied to the primordial elemental energy of Scath, that of Shadows. He seems to have a small capability to move, to travel via nearby shadows in an instant, seeming almost to teleport over very short range.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vondiras is a rather withdrawn and introverted fellow, not unfriendly, but very much not talkative. He is a Woad Elf, specifically one of the Scavi, one of the tribe of shadows. He is a hunter of the old ways, preferring traps and long range engagements, and having a bestial hunting companion, a grey wolf he saved as a pup. Vondiras is a Hunter by trade and craft, but has spent his life travelling the lands of Durol up to this point, merely enjoying the continent he calls home, experiencing its wilderness and the bounty it has to offer.

A year ago he came upon some poachers whom had captured and were abusing a wolf pup in Depenwood, and wasted no time bringing death to the pair, and rescuing the pup. He tended it back to health, intending to try and help it back into the wild, but the beast formed a bond with him, and refused to leave. Vondiras knew enough to realize that the wolf pup had formed a packmate bond with him, and as such, would not leave. Vondiras accepted the twist of fate, sure the Divine Huntmaster would not have done such a thing or allowed him to find such a situation without cause.

He finds himself now in the company of an interesting set of individuals, tied up in a strange set of affairs. Such is the way of the hunt sometimes however and though he may have his own goals long term, his own quarry he may be seeking, Vondiras keeps his own history close to the vest amongst his fellow sapients.

Personality Characteristics


Vondiras is motivated by 1 part pack instinct, seeing himself as part of a whole, and seeking to fit in and provide for the group (whatever group that may be) what he best can with his knowledge and skill sets. However he is also still quite young for a elf, and is generally motivated by the desire to expand his experience and broaden his own horizons.



He is quiet and soft spoken, with a soft, almost breezy tonal capacity, with no real discernable thick accent, instead having a bit of a soft and balanced speech pattern, as well as a tempo, rhythma and musical edge to it that is identifiably elven in nature.
Vondiras Scavi-il Base Character Sheet

Silvius the Companion's Base Character Sheet
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7'4" or 2.2 meters
218 lbs or 99 kgs

Character Portrait image: Vondiras Scavi-il by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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