Dwendalian Empire Organization in Adventures in Wildemount | World Anvil

Dwendalian Empire

The Dwendalian Empire has reigned over Western Wynandir for over twelve generations. The empire is known for its powerful military and its policy of religious restriction. Though these institutions nominally exist to ensure the safety of the populace from foreign threats, terrible dangers that wander the wilds, and lingering evils that seep from the scars of the Calamity, they also allow the empire to maintain strict social order within its territories.   King Bertrand Dwendal's iron will has not wavered with age. King Dwendal's family has developed a totalitarian rule that reaps heavy taxes and looms over society with a military presence that only grows stronger with proximity to the capital city of Rexxentrum. While civic unrest does rise beyond mere mutterings from time to time, reminders of the dangerous creatures that live beyond the guarded borders of each city and the protections offered within the empire generally keep the populace in line. Those that rebel often find themselves in chains or forgotten in a dungeon.   Most cities and townships throughout the empire are ruled by a local government under the leadership of a starosta, usually a native baron appointed by the Empire. The starosta is given absolute control over local government. Dwendalian cities are typically manned by a city guard known as the "Crownsguard," with the appointed head of the guard known as the "Watchmaster."
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories
Notable Members