Alfield Settlement in Adventures in Wildemount | World Anvil


Alfield is a rural town nestled into a scattered patch of trees near the Amber Road. The old mines winding beneath the nearby hills yield a fair amount of tin, copper, and quartz that supplement the town’s economy. Small in size compared to the surrounding townships, Alfield is regarded by most travelers as a stop on the route to more important business elsewhere. This frustrates some proud residents and local entrepreneurs, but most prefer the small-town lifestyle and are happy to see the passing traders and travelers move on.
  Alfield is a moderately prosperous village. As a crossroads town, trade is one of the main businesses. The other is mining, although the mines and quarries in the area yield practical outputs like tin, copper, and quartz rather than precious metals or gemstone, so the mining clientele are typically more business-oriented than prospectors. The villagers are generally well-fed and clothed appropriately for the region’s weather, the buildings are generally kept in good repair, and supplies are adequate. The village proper consists of sturdy but simple buildings made of fieldstone and timber.
  The welcoming farming community and beautiful countryside surrounding Alfield often call to those who want a simpler life in the empire. Flanked to the north and east by the Alfield Wood, the town is shaped like a small diamond in shape, only a couple of miles across on all sides. The Rillway and Amber Road divide the town into four quarters, meandering lazily through the ramshackle wooden buildings until they meet at the recently rebuilt Candleglow Inn at the center of town.


Mostly humans. Some halflings and gnomes. Other races more rare.


  • Alfield (New)
Included Locations
Owning Organization