Father of the Forest

At the heart of the forest, past the druid's grove, to where their sacred circle was raised, the party encountered a horrific beast that had to have been the "Father" that the faeries and Elder Imogen had been referring to. It stood perhaps 15 feet tall, with malevolent red eyes peering out from a giant deer’s skull. What the party mistook for branches were in fact enormous antlers, covered in moss but wickedly pointed. At the end of two tree-like limbs were massive hooked claws. It stood erect on deer-like hind legs. It's howl was a terrifying sound that reverberated throughout the forest.   In battle it was a fierce foe, perhaps the most dangerous any of the party had yet encounters. With a howl it called wolves to its aid, and it even impelled the branches of the trees themselves to try to sweep the party off their feet. At one point it avoided Jandaelyn's well-shot arrow entirely, disappearing into a cloud of ravens and appearing clear across the battleground. It tried several times to gore Philan, and came very close to hitting him. It's claws were terrfiyingly sharp, and with one swat it would have knocked Philan clear into the next realm, only for him to be saved by Elder Imogen's blessing.