Shar-Jun's Tower

The tower of Shar-Jun sits about a day and a half's walk southwest of Alfield. It is a tall, solitary spire that rises above a grassy plain. It is made of weathered gray stone that spirals upward. Intricate, mystical symbols and runes are etched into its surface. Ivy vines with vibrant green leaves cling to the sides. At its pinnacle, a conical roof with a pointed spire reaches toward the sky, adorned with a fluttering flag that bears an emblem of some kind. Wisps of mystical energy dance around the tower.   Closer to the structure, a series of magical rooms act as a barrier to those who would bother the wizard frivoulously. While not dangerous, the party had to overcome several puzzles to make their way to the wizard's door. The puzzles centered around three magical archways that caused the characters to grow or shrink, and the subsequent rooms required the group to use the archways creatively to solve the puzzles.   The inside of the tower was a bit underwhelming. There was a plain common room with a flagstone floor and some stairs leading up. That's about all the party got to see.