Yana Morningcrow

Yana Morningcrow is the proprietress and owner of The Trading Post in Alfield. Yana is a sturdy and weathered woman, her frame hinting at a lifetime of hard work and resilience. Standing at a modest height, she carries herself with a surprising strength that belies her age. Her skin, tanned from years under the sun, bears the wrinkles and laugh lines of a life well-lived. Yana's hands, calloused and roughened, tell the tale of someone who has worked with both determination and skill. Despite the wear and tear, Yana's eyes remain bright and perceptive. They are a warm shade of hazel, with a mischievous glint that hints at the playful spirit that resides within her. Her thin, silver-gray hair is pulled back into a loose bun, with a few strands escaping rebelliously to frame her face.   Yana dresses practically in a mixture of earthy tones—khakis and browns—blending seamlessly with the dusty ambiance of the mining village. She often wears a worn apron with pockets, a testament to her hands-on involvement in the day-to-day operations of the Trading Post.   Yana's movements are deliberate and purposeful, each action reflecting a lifetime of experience. She has a habit of tapping her fingers on the countertop when in thought, a rhythmic and somewhat quirky gesture that adds to her character. When excited or amused, Yana bursts into a hearty, infectious laugh that can be heard throughout the Trading Post. Her speech is peppered with colloquialisms and local expressions, reflecting her deep connection to the mining village and its community. Yana is known for her sharp wit and quick comebacks, often delivered with a twinkle in her eye. Despite her strong exterior, she has a soft spot for the villagers and is known to offer kind words or a comforting gesture when needed. Yana takes great pride in her store, and her eyes light up when discussing the eclectic assortment of goods within. She has a penchant for storytelling, recounting tales of the village's history and its colorful characters to anyone who lends her an ear. There's a certain charm in her quirkiness, making Yana Morningcrow a beloved figure in Alfield, both for her goods and her warm, welcoming personality.