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Band of Shiv

The Band of Shiv was formed by a group of explorers, researchers and wealthy benefactors who set sails to the legendary island of Rogsh. The journey was dangerous and full of setbacks. After many failed attempts to travel to the island directly they set course to the small island of Irun. While exploring the small island they found a local community of fishermen and farmer who spread from the island of Rogsh onto Irun. Excited to learn that there was a way to Rogsh they traded gold for a fare to Rogsh and soon after set foot on the legendary isle.
  During their stay on Rogsh, the group explored the island and listened to the stories and legends of the natives. During one of their expeditions they made their way through the thick primeval forest to the dorment vulcano that is towering on the isle of Rogsh. One of the women accopanying the group as a guide told them about an herb that only grew around the vulcano and was known to have healing properties. The story caught the ear of the researchers and when they found some of the herb later that day they took some with them to study its effects.
  The herb that later got known as Bleeding Flax was more potent than anything they ever came across. The research mission was originally planned for three months but they stayed for half a year before realizing how much time had passed. At this point they had formed a strong bond with the native community and were invited to stay on the island. Most of the group agreed and shortly after the Band of Shiv was founded by the people that stayed and the council of the biggest village on Rogsh.
  A few years passed with the Band of Shiv focusing on researching the various properties and applications of Bleeding Flax after which they started working on cultivation. 10 years after arriving on the island the Band started to destribute the herb all over the continent and soon after they were a known entity in the realm.
  They played their cards right and started trading with everyone who was interested and had coin. The early profit was used to fortify Rogsh against an attack, as a safety measure, but they never were attacked. The gamble to destribute to everyone payed off as they were viewed as neutral allies to most kingdoms.
  Today there are two flurishing factions on Rogsh and Irun. The Band of Shiv and the Muuru both depending on one another, both working together in unity.

Public Agenda

  • trade brings peace
  • partners are better than enemies
  • there is nobody not worth their coin

Profit for us, Profit for all.

The banner of the Band of Shiv shows the Bleeding Flax. Behind the herb is a golden compass. The background is split diagonally in two equal halves. The topleft half is blue and the bottom right half is light brown. The background resembles the hang of the vulcano Sivhis that the Organization was named after.
Alternative Names
Flaxer (derogatory)
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Economic System
Market economy
members of the Band of Shiv know their way around most notable currencies as they trade with most nations. On the island controlled by the Band of Shiv however they often use very inconspicuous looking tokens called Mads for trading with one another. Mads are made of vulcanic stone and while having no theoretical value they're worth twenty times their weight in gold when traded in at the treasury on Rogsh.
Controlled Territories

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