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Ard Rì Ysengrin An Dalachain (Tuanai: [Iss-Enn-Grin])

High-King of Aedelwynn, Supreme Chieftain of An Tuana

"Heavy is the Head that Bears the Crown."

"Unification is not merely allegiance. It is culture, it is law, it is faith. If I am to accept this, I will have peace in my time. Our holdings may need to be acquired by the sword, yet for them to flourish there must be peace. I would see that not just the Holds of men thrive, but the countries of the woods and mountains. Too many times has dissent broken our land, Mebh. One kingdom, under one king, one law, one culture, one faith. An Aedelwynn in the name of the Gods, even if we must rely on the strength of heathens."
- Ysengrin to Lady Mebh Nì Domnall An Eoghan

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ysengrin Mac Caèlbad An Dalachain was an early child, augured to be frail of body and spirit due to the circumstances of his birth. The lack of his right hand was cause for much superstition within the Hold, and his father Ard Rì Caèlbad An Dalachain did not believe he would survive any longer than two months. To everybody's surprise, Ysengrin did, and grew to become a tall, red haired yet reserved figure. He bears the same all-sky-blue eyes as his father and the An Dalachain dynasty, with short reddish-brown hair. A saddened melancholic expression sticks to his visage most of the time, but beneath those mournful eyes there surfaces an uncanny cunning for mischief and judgement.

Body Features

Ysengrin is tall, well built, and lithe. He moves with a reserved grace. His gait conceals much of his thoughts and intentions, albeit remains rather pessimistic in stature. His right hand is missing, for he was born without one, which some have interpretted as a sign from Saint Diarmaid that the prince was either never meant to rule, or was favored by the God of Kings as his rightful heir, as the two share in the lack of the same hand.

Facial Features

Ysengrin's visage is naturally mournful and solemn. As if he remembers a time long gone, which he forever yearns for. His cheeks and nose are freckled, whilst he carries a few scars across his visage from scraps with his cousins, or sparring sessions with his father's Curadhmir, Nevenoe An Brenian. A knotty scar runs from his cheek, at the bottom of his left eye, down to his neck and chest. His nose is also broken, and slightly crooked, whilst there remains some Edel blood in his sharp features that are reminiscent of half-elves. He has a coarse, well groomed beard, the colour of fiery bark.

Identifying Characteristics

The High-King strikes many in both stature and attitude. For a young man, he is remarkably wizened of face and gait. There is a stern, dour, determination that permeates his being, and whilst not being a hulking giant like his father, his strength emanates from the intensity of his conviction, and his knowledge of political manoeuvering.   Despite numerous attempts to his life, and a few successful kidnappings in his youth, he has kept a kinder approach to rule. More noticeably, the scar at his neck is often visible when not purposefully hidden, and lacking his right hand makes him easily identifiable. Finally, the fiery red hair, regal garb and all-sky blue eyes tend to do the trick.

Apparel & Accessories

Everyday Carry:
As Lord of An Dalachain, King Ysengrin is often seen wearing refined clothing (robes, hoses, warm tunic, tartan scarf, etc) proper to a person of his rank, and woven in the colours of his dynasty, or his mother's Sept. He carries with him a satchel full of scrolls, and an arming sword he has chosen not to name. After a failed assassination attempt and then successful kidnapping in his youth, Ysengrin now wears on him a sharp enchanted long-knife (seax) at all times, even in bed, for fear of losing his life. It has the capacity to detect any presence within a certain area, informing him of their presence and position at all times.
  Military Carry:
When out at war, Ysengrin wears the armor gifted to him at the end of the Trials of the Mountain by its resident Order. It is a functionnal combination of iron greaves, pauldrons, spurred sabatons, and armored vambraces. A hefty hauberk of fish scale mail is worn over a thick red and black padded tabard woven with link mail. It is kept up by a belt where is enshrined Dyrnwyrn in its whalebone and bronze Breathwork scabbard. Next to his ever present long-knife (seax), a sturdy rallying war horn hangs, and a well worn warhammer on the other side.   Ysengrin goes into battle wielding a kite shield in his right 'hand', the straps of which have been adapted to his disability. Over his chest is the tartan scarf of his kingdom, pinned at the shoulder by an enamelled brooch carved in the shape of a mountain. His helmet has been ornamented with a rampant eagle, analogous of his own personal crest, and is worn with a bronze mask depicting a wrathful visage. When not in battle, he wears the Woven Crown, and a burgundy riding cloak.
  Regal Carry:
As High King of Aedelwynn, his accoutrement is heavy and royal. When holding audience, or council, Ysengrin is equipped with various artifacts and national relics including: the Woven Crown of Aedelwynn, Dyrnwyrn, the Sword of Kings itself, and the Bannered Cloak of Mankind, a cloak of burgundy and gold thread embroidered with the history of the Clanndom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tutored in letters, arithmetic and literature by his mother, whilst being instructed in swordplay and arms by Ard Rì Caèlbad's Curadhmir, Nevenoe An Brenian of the Mawr Brenna Sept. Upon reaching the age of 15, he was sent to train within the walls of the Order of the Mountain's temple, in Dunn Hain, as a young "Vigilant" until his 18th winter.   During this period, Ysengrin was kidnapped by bandits paid by The Kasharrii Empire, and replaced with a Sidhe changeling in order to influence future politics. Saved by a young half-elven warrior, named Anthrim, the two returned to Dunn Hain where the latter provided a crucial ally as his link into the Gwyr Gwaed.   On their journey, he was made aware of the state of certain bordertowns, the discrimination against 'Otherfolk' held by many clansmen. This, alongside his experience, cemented in him a seed of ambition and determination that would only be flourished by Lady Mebh Nì Domnall An Eoghan, his future Curadhmir.   After completing the many trials of the Order, the death of his father left him aimless and bereft of vision, he left Dunn Hain in an attempt to help civilians anonymously, only to be swiftly brought back to court by Lady Mebh. A long arguement lasting months began, during which Ysengrin attempted to manipulate nobles in taking his crown from him. Eventually, his companions and own sense of responsability took the better of him, and he accepted the throne reluctantly.   Ysengrin is always learning, consuming new research papers, historical records, tales of tactics and strategy, myths from ancient times as well as religious manuscripts (some of them banned from many temples) to broaden his understanding of not just the Clan, but the world in general. His current goal is to prevent an invasion from the Kasharrii Empire, and create a unified Aedelwynn.

Mental Trauma

Ysengrin has nyctophobia, refusing to sleep without a stable source of light due to an early assassination attempt as a young child. After being kidnapped, and being forced to relinquish his memories and identity to a changeling, he is terrified of being alone in closed spaces, and has suffered multiple identity crisises until he met his wife, Queen Angharad An Brenian, who cemented his identity as Lord and Master of the Clanndom.

Religious Views

Ysengrin is a fervant believer in the "Creidamh Dé Tri". Having being instructed in the ways of Saint Diarmaid, the God of the Clan, he is convinced the sole way to rule Aedelwynn is through religious, cultural and legal unity. His key objective is to unify the entirety of the continent under one rule, an objective he holds essential as the new Kasharrii threat has surfaced in the recent years. Anybody who does not follow the Divine Three is considered a heathen to his eyes, yet he does not shy away from being cordial to such individuals. He will never trust them, however, and would rather manipulate those who do not share his faith than befriend them.
"War is how a man takes his wealth, it is the land and trade that makes it. And for the land and trade to flourish, there must be peace."
- Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, The Last Kingdom.

Current Status
To achieve peace in his reign, by fire, sword, and allegiance.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Supreme Chieftain of An Tuana;
  • High Seat of the House An Dalachain;
  • Lord of Dunn Hain, the Eternal Mountain;
  • Favoured by Saint Diarmaid;
  • Shield of the North;

Date of Birth
1rst of High Winter 1241 PR
Circumstances of Birth
Born earlier than expected, nearly died within 2 months
Caer Naediolair, Dunn Hain, Kingdom of An Dalachain
Current Residence
Caer Naediolair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fleshy pink, freckled
174 lbs
"Creidamh Dé Tri", the Divine Three.
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
King Alfred of Wessex, King Edward the Elder of England, King Arthur Pendragon, Maedhros the Tall.

Special Powers
High-King Ysengrin's training at the Order of the Mountain has made him a well trained swordsman, and warrior, as well as attuned tactitian and strategist. Whilst he is not as skilled as others in his company, he is capable of calling upon the favour of the Vigil to aid any who might do battle by his side.   The Order of the Mountain specialises in perfecting the art of war, as well as educating nobles in statescraft, politics and religious duties. As Supreme Chieftain of An Tuana, he was given high expectations, and according to some of the Order's monks, has often disregarded his education until his unfortunate kidnapping. Following this unfortunate encounter, Ysengrin doubled efforts in order to satisfy his father and mentors' expectations.   Powers [Source: "The Yearning"]: Ysengrin can call upon the divine powers of the Vigil to grant his companions various boons. His sole presence is sufficient to increase one's reflexes and mental fortitude. He can also summon roaring torrents of fire, if given time and concentration, or entice others to face him in single combat, even in the hubbub and chaos of battle. Finally, if granted favour by the Vigil, Ysengrin may smite his foes with a strike.

Known Languages and Proficiency:
Tuanai - Native Speaker;
Ferdian - Fluent/Professional;
Edelian - Intermediate;
Credit to: Nicholas Britell

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Cover image: The Return by Eytan Zana
Character Portrait image: MAEDHROS THE TALL, WATERCOLOUR, 2010 by Jenny Dolfen


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