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The Clanndom of Aedelwynn. ("Clan-Domm ov Edd-Ell-Win")

"The Kingdoms of Men", "The Usurpers".

The Five Holds of An Tuana Clanna

On the Subject of Men and Their Tribes:
"'An Tuana' my lady, means the 'free people'. The humans of Aedelwynn have long been under the oversight or occupation of "An Edel", the 'star people'. Since their revolution, they have made various petty kingdoms, which hold a tenuous control over the land they have claimed (or reclaimed) as theirs. Whilst at first these petty kingdoms warred one another, the heretical 'living God' of the clansmen (the one they call Saint Diarmaid) began a campaign of bloody reunification in order to gather all these barbaric pagans under his fold. Though the heathen lord would not see his dreams accomplished, thank the Illustrious Empress for this blessing, his nefarious children would continue this ignorant legacy and progressively - under the guidance of this 'god's foul texts - would bring the rest of the fledgling tribes into the fold. Upon which date, the tribes of men founded a so-called 'kingdom' of men. Albeit this one swears unto you, your most Illustrious Majesty, it is all but that. For there is but one celestial kingdom, of which you are the most Honored Guide, Monarch, and Mother. This kingdom they have dubbed the Clanndom of Aedelwynn, which I will endeavour to explain in the most palletable of manners..."
- A Conversation of the Northern Folk and Tribes, Excerpt by Holfr Sturlursson.


The Clanndom of Aedelwynn is a clannic feudal society, seperated into five great 'Holds' (territories held by kings, earls, ealdormen, and sept chiefs), who all bow and obey the laws of the Ard Rì, the High King and supreme monarch of the Clanndom.   The High King rules over the Clanndom of Aedelwynn, and appoints the Kings and Queens (Chieftains) that rule over the 5 kingdoms which compose the Clanndom. The High King is often one of those Kings and traditionnally the King of An Dalachain, however may also be a politically neutral figure in fringe cases. The High King is advised by a Council known as the Council of Tàines.   These advisors are representatives of each kingdom of the Clanndom, and are sent by the local Kings to serve as embassadors to the Ard Rì. Only 2 Tàines per Kingdom may join the Council, per rule of their local King. One Tàine is appointed by their local King, and is often their offspring (such as a prince or second son), the other is elected by the local King’s Chamber of Earls.   Each local King rules over their Kingdoms as they see fit (dubbed Blood Law), however they cannot transgress Clannic Law or else they may risk all out war/conflict with neighbouring kingdoms. Local Kings often create a Chamber of Earls, a council of close friends and powerful lords (called Earls) to delegate tasks and govern portions of their Kingdom for them.   Kingdoms are divided into districts, called Tiarna (plural: Tiardha). Each Tiarna represents roughly 4-12 families. One Tiarna is often led by an ‘ealdorman’, the equivalent to a village elder or village mayor. Multiple Tiardha are ruled by the Earls appointed by the local King. So far, the hierarchy is simple. High Kings rule over Kings, who rule over Earls and Ealdormen, who govern and lead the Tiardha of Aedelwynn.   However, as per Clannic Law, multiples families can form organizations and ‘tribes’ called Septs. These Septs are not bound by Tiardha, and may expand beyond a kingdom’s borders. Septs are led by a Sept Chief (a sort of war master) and have a warrior-like culture that helps these families defend themselves against outlaws and the wilderness outside of the largest capitals.   Blood feuds, disputes, skirmishes and disagreements between Septs are numerous, and it is the duty of Earls and Ealdormen to regulate these feuds. Earls may also come from local Septs, and choose to favour a side for political gain, or marry into one to satisfy an agreement and quell their anger. Septs are a crucial part of the Clanndom’s political structure.   For every Sept in the Clanndom, 1 in 10 children are to be conscripted into the High King’s personal warband, known as Fianna, whilst others are sent to the local King’s standing army. By Clannic Law, Septs cannot be declared war on by any kingdom, only other Septs, as they are under the High King’s protection.   This creates a quickly mobilisable and available force that can respond to raids, shock invasions and provides suitable protection under the status of militae. Kings, Earls, Ealdormen and Sept Chiefs may also have their personal honour guard, warband and retinue, detailed further below.
Current Clannic Holds
  • The An Arwyn Hold, ruled by Rìg Dwyfor Aep Llud An Arwyn.
  • The An Brenian Hold, ruled by Rìg Emerich Mac Mawr An Brenian.
  • The An Dalachain Hold, ruled by Ard Rì Ysengrin Mac Caèlbad An Dalachain.
  • The An Eoghan Hold, ruled by Rìg Connall Mac Conchtobar An Eoghan.
  • The An Kerlahaad Hold, ruled by Rìg Amlodd Uì Arthfael An Kerlahaad.


The people of the Clanndom are many and diverse, with major variations in traditions, legends, folklore, opinions, etc; however they are all a part of the Clan, and would proudly claim themselves as such. The clansmen of Aedelwynn believe themselves - on a stereotypical level - to be the free, true peoples of their country, accepting any who would join their kingdoms whilst looking down on the rebellious wild tribes of Wilder People.
  The Clansmen, however, are not all humans, but include many An Edel who have migrated from the woodlands into the cities, An Glamhoth, and some An Fir-bholg, the latter of which are revered by tradition. It is uncommon, however not unlikely, for some An Sidhe to seek shelter within the stone walls of the Clanndom.   This mix of various species, cultures, septs, and Tiardha create a diverse yet cohesive culture of war, faith and freedom! Deeper within the Clanndom, it becomes a complexly layered and detailed network of personal feuds, codes of honour, treachery, hierarchy, and divine law that dominates the daily lives of the peoples who live under the Clanndom's rule. Furthermore, the constant threat of the Otherfolk creates an aura of distrust against any who are not amongst the Clans.

Demography and Population

The Clanndom's population is made out of mostly An Tuana, with smatterings of An Glamhoth, and An Edel. Mostly humans, however, and half-breeds in between them. There are occasionally some An Sidhe, such as kobolds, goblins and hobgoblins that nest in the Clanndom. It is important to remember that the Clanndom is not an ethno-state, but a cultural identity that is steeped in centuries of tradition. Humans compose the majority of the Clanndom, however many Orcs and Elves defected to the Clanndom, either in the face of defeat or simply over the years.

Official partition:
  • 70% Human (20% of which are half-breeds).
  • 13% Edel
  • 12% Glamhoth
  • 5% Sidhe


The Clanndom of Aedelwynn claims the entirety of Aedelwynn as its territory, with Wilder People tribes fighting back this claim by laying forest-holds and kingdoms of their own, deep within inaccessible reaches such as haunted marshlands, enchanted forests, stormy mountains and remote islands.
Map of Aedelwynn (claimed completely under the Clanndom):
Aedelwynn, Land of the Free
The legendary frigid expanse, lost amidst the northern ocean.


Warbands (Fianna) compose much of the military force of the Clanndom. These warbands are formed from the personal retinues of Ealdormen, Earls, Sept Chiefs and Kings. In adddition to these, the Tiardha each have available men and women who form warbands to defend themselves, led by experienced warriors and soldiers.   The Clanndom's Holds have dedicated warbands and orders of riders (knights) who serve as the bulk of the Clanndom's defensive forces. They often wear their Hold's liveries, and tartan scarf to define to whom they swear allegiance to. Many warriors in warbands are also part of Septs, and so might bear their markings or carry an item that defines them as such, like an arm band or a dagger.   Finally, the High King themselves has a personal army formed from recruits throughout the continent, who serve the High King's service, in addition to the royal Order of the Mountain, and the royal Fianna. Each Hold has a Curadhmir, a champion, who serves as general of the local armies. The High-King's champion serves as the supreme general of allied forces should the Clanndom of Aedelwynn come under assault.


The Clanndom of Aedelwynn believes firmly in the Knot, the Faith of Three Divines, whose rituals and influence rhythms the daily lives of many clansmen througout Aedelwynn. Be it at the end or beginning of their lives. Each clansman takes on a patron deity they wish to embody, and often strives their best to reach this ideal. Naturally this isn't often the case.   Much of the Clanndom's faith is both spiritual, superstitious and through institution. There are numerous minor gods throughout the land to whom certain communities pray to, however the 'big three' are represented by the "Creidamh Dé Tri", and considered the official state religion. Not accepting these deities is seen as taboo, due to their sacrifices and actions in saving the rest of humanity from enslavement.

Foreign Relations

The Clanndom of Aedelwynn is in cold conflict with various governments across the world. Within Aedelwynn itself, it is often in conflict with the Wilder People tribes that are scattered across the continent. For instance, An Kerlahaad has been in cold war with the tribes of Thencalaad ever since the people can remember.   The Kasharii Empire, which resides beyond the Ghastly Expanse, originally rediscovered Aedelwynn's location however many sub factions of the Empire began to raid its southern coast, until a truce was established and trade routes were allowed to settle in Gwyll Nà Graine, and Dagdìomn, the capital of An Eoghan.   Finally, to the northern shores of Aedelwynn, An For-Móire have a tendency to raid from the Rimereach Wastelands and take slaves and resources during these raids. Much of Aedelwynn is in active war against the raiders of Rimereach.

"United Beneath the Skies."

Founding Date
216 PR
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Clanndom
Predecessor Organization
"Clansmen, clansman, clanswoman."
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The Aól, a triangular coin made out of copper, silver, or gold, with a hole at its center to pass a string through. Usually carried in pouches, or worn around the neck like a necklace. They are carved with the local Clan's Hold sigil on one side, and the name and figure of the current Ard Rì.
Currency is noted either as 3cA (3 copper aól), or 3e (3 embers).
  Types of Aól:
  • Copper aól are nicknamed 'embers';
  • Silver aól are nicknamed 'rimes';
  • Gold aól are nicknamed 'summers';
  Value of the Aól:
Most of the people of Aedelwynn can survive off of embers and rimes, only the wealthiest or the luckiest (adventurers, raiders, etc) ever get their hands on summers. The value of a loaf of bread across the Clanndom is averaged at 3 embers.
  • 12 embers is worth 1 rime;
  • 12 rimes is worth 1 summer;

Major Exports
The Clanndom has begun exporting the following with the Kasharii Empire:
  • Common exports - Ironwork, bronzework, farming products, horses, aurochs, sheep, fish, tin, copper, silver, iron, bronze, wool, grain, oaths, lumber, dairy.
  • Exotic exports - Enamelled jewelry, starforged items, scrimshaw, shipwork, soldiers, weapons.
Major Imports
The Clanndom imports large amounts of spices, food, lumber, and foreign metals from the Kasharii Empire. Much of the Clanndom trades with itself, as well as with the Otherfolk tribes from the Rimereach further north.

Legislative Body
The Council of Tàines, an assembly of lords that work alongside the priesthood of Saint Diarmaid drafts laws for the rest of the Kingdom, thereby known as Clan Law which supercedes Local Law when applied by the Council's enforcers, and lawmen.

Judicial Body
The Priesthood of Saint Diarmaid act as lawmen, judges and court advisors to Earls and Ealdormen who enact justice in their dedicated Tiarna. Rarely are Kings actually called to discuss small matters of justice.

Executive Body
Throughout the Clanndom, orders of local knights, militia men and guardsmen enforce the Clanndom's law wherever it is seen fit. Usually, ealdormen set up a watch, whilst earls use their own personal retinue to enforce order. The Gwyr Gwaed (Red Riders) are the Council of Tàines' own elite enforcers and investigators, who enforce Clan law throughout the territory itself.

Official State Religion
Related Ethnicities
Credit goes to: Dzivia

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Articles under The Clanndom of Aedelwynn.


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Dec 5, 2021 09:59

That was a really interesting read about the clan organization.   The one issue I had was that, while the beginning excerpt was great, it was jarring to read the source as "An Encyclopedia ". It is written and it reads directly as a conversation or explanation from one person to a person of higher standing/deific status. It was lost to me how or why the encyclopedia would be addressed to the "Illustrious Majesty".

Dec 5, 2021 11:02 by Arthur Audren

I would likely change it to the preface of the Encyclopedia, but the man who writes it is notoriously vain, and was sent to Aedelwynn as punishment for their pretentiousness. Holfr very much is the uh... Gilderoy Lockeheart of this world. An ass-licking, spiteful dwarf who just wants to go back home rather than live amongst these 'savages'.