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Natural Philosopher (Tuanai: [lia])

'Physicians', 'Alchemists', 'Sigillists'.

The Nature of the World is Everchanging

"It is the purpose of all lifeforms to adapt, advance and develop themselves. In doing so, the life form comes to understand more about the natural world around them, in order to survive and thrive. The cub instinctually understands that the bee should not be trifled with. All creatures, large or small, learn. As such it is only right that we transfer this knowledge unto our lessers, so that the legacy of natural philosophy be pursued throughout the generations. Regardless of what happens, that is what must survive, our legacy, our knowledge, our understanding of the world around us. Now... let us begin the first lesson."


Natural Philosophers are savants, scholars, and chemists who study the natural world by approaching it from a logical, pseudo-scientific angle. Very much like herbalists, they study biology and the uses of plants, but also make extensive use of anatomical studies, metallurgy, philosophy and other fields of study to make greater discoveries. Many natural philosophers study the world and attain knowledge for knowledge's sake, others seek to better the society they live in, whilst others have more nefarious purposes; regardless of their intentions these niche groups of people are often - alongside arcanists and wizards - at the forefront of progress, planning out innovation over the course of decades.
Always Lacking Funds:
Many of the tools that natural philosophers use are expensive, complex, and require substantial amounts of funding. It isn't uncommon for these physicians to take up multiple side-jobs to acquire enough wealth for a few alembics, distillery stations, glass vials, etc. As such, they might also dabble in the arts (painting, composing, etc), become personnal physicians, teachers or tutors to the various lords and ladies across Aedelwynn. Natural philosophy very much is a Clannic profession, taking on an equivalent to the role of the Astòr amongst tribal peoples, as pursuers of knowledge, however many shun the use of the arcane or the occult in direct opposition to Otherfolk tradition.



"The Alabaster Workshop"

A recent organisation built by Doctor Orjuus Crowval-Gritzgale in an attempt to further the pursuit of natural philosophy within the Kingdom of An Kerlahaad, the Alabaster Workshop seeks to acquire for the brightest minds within the population of the An Kerlahaad Hold regardless of station or class. The offspring of minor Earls, Ealdormen, or even peasents all join together within its white halls to study the works of ancients, debate on the matter of things, and learn alchemy, metallurgy and sigildry. In return for their scholarship, students of the laboratory submit their theories and discoveries to the Laboratory's library and wealth of knowledge. Once all examinations and qualifications have been passed, the student emerges a fully fledged natural philosopher, capable of opening their own practice within An Kerlahaad, or attempt at their own risk to start one elsewhere (see: Legality).

"Master & Apprentice"

Alternatively, in countries that do not have organisations such as the Laboratory, many natural philosophers are educated by their betters and peers in a sort of teacher-student relationship. Often times, an alchemist will have two to three students at once, to whom they will teach as much as they can before letting them take an examination from another alchemist. This structure is less organised, however it allows natural philosophers to stay hidden and secretive, especially in countries where their practices are widely considered illegal. The issue is that without any centralized source of knowledge, much of an alchemist's research is encrypted to avoid plagiarism, or discovery by the authorities. Many alchemists have their own key for encryption, albeit might use their masters' as well.

Career Progression

Novices are uninitiated students who have not passed their first examination, and been approved by 5 other master alchemists. Novices are expected to take notes, and follow instructions, however are prohibited to experiment without direct supervision. This restriction is borne from secrecy, in a time where natural philosophy was considered as vile as witchery.
Students are initiated students who have taken their first examination and passed approval by 5 other master alchemists. The restriction on experimentation for students is lifted, allowing them to try out various disciplines and methods of study of their own. However if things go awry, their initiation examination is revoked, and they return to the statute of novice.
Masters are fully fledged natural philosophers, who have proved through an extensive thesis and innovation, their mastery over their chosen subjects. In addition to this, a final examination is taken where the student is confronted to the knowledge of 5 masters. If these masters judge the student capable, and knowledgeable, then they are raised to the statute of master.

Payment & Reimbursement

"Much of the time, our clients are on the wealthier end of society. Oftentimes far wealthier than ourselves. Though we may possess complex apparatii, these require a staggering amount of time to build, upkeep and maintain. The cost of which would give many other scholars vertigo. And let us not speak of the value of ingredients, bribing the local militia to leave us alone, or protect us from angry clients. Ours may not be an outwardly dangerous profession, but I can assure you it is never without risk."
- Garrett Aen Duine, Master Alchemist.
The Cost of Maintenance:
The tools of the trade are numerous, costly, and genuinely expensive. There are no shops, or stores that provides these kinds of tools, and so natural philosophers must turn to metalworkers and metallurgists to create their tools, but also avoid suspicion by paying an extra fee in countries where their practice is illegal.   As such, the expenses of an alchemist correlate with the cost of their services. In general, a productive week for a natural philosopher - out of their practice alone, and not including additional sources of income - would result in 15r/15sA. With any luck, they might take a job from a wealthier client, allowing them to make at most 25r/25sA per week.



The purpose of natural philosophers is many, and often personal. They do not necessarily dedicate themselves to the betterment of society, of the human condition, or of mortality in general. Often times, they merely seek to understand the world, and seek knowledge for knowledge's sake.   Alchemy, anatomy, astronomy, biology, medicine, metallurgy and symbology (also known as sigildry) are all accessible disciplines to natural philosophers, who seek to better understand the world around them. Regardless of their intentions, or ambitions, the purpose of a natural philosopher will always be to seek discoveries, to innovate, advance, and improve, albeit sometimes at costs that far outweigh the results.

Social Status

Natural philosophy is at its core, seen as a selfish practice; those who take the time to aid others out of altruism are seen as an exception most of the time. Many philosophers, alchemists and physicians will claim that their experiments are the work of a lifetime, and who is to know if what they claim is true? However the actions and results speak for themselves, many experiments end in failure at best, with catastrophic consequences at worse. Their apparatii are bizarre, occult and malignant to the untrained eye.   In An Arwyn, in 1206 PR, a group of alchemists set fire to half the capital city in an attempt to create a powder that could be used as 'entertainment'. Their ineptitude cost the lives of hundreds of thousands people who burned to death in the inferno. Smoke blackened the skies of Llyrpenardhûn for weeks.   In An Eoghan, their studies into anatomy and biology are kept under close watch by the Spakeheart Lodge, who fear another resurgence of rogue arcanists and magic users through the study of natural philosophy, which would then lead to extensive 'culling'. Things like necromancy, or destructive apparatii are always under suspicion.


"Our work has existed since the dawn of time. We have always pondered the methods by which the world was made, works, and continues. As time errodes stone, rain feeds the soil and the snows melt under the sun, so shall mortality's wish to uncover the deepest secrets and machinations of the Gods. Natural philosophy is merely the method through which we choose to observe the phenomenons around us, how we observe the progress of all things. And what progress we have made. From old women's treatments to elixirs of health, from burn salves to pyrophobic tarps, we have advanced step by step to the scale of Gods."
- An anonymous alchemist.

A Search for Truth:

After the First Fading, and the Flood that swept away much of the Edelian Hegemony, much had been lost. Knowledge of the stars, knowledge of the spirits, knowledge of the world itself. Left in ruins, An Edel sought to recover what had been lost, yet mankind chose the opportune moment to rise. The scriptures and writings of those elves were lost, and found again by select groups of scholars as curiosity - like the tide - swells and swoons.   The first mention of 'Natural Philosophy' is said to be around 520 Post-Reclamation, with a group of individuals calling themselves philosophers. Rumours have it these were rogue Thenn, druidic apprentices, unhappy with the lack of comprehension brought by their masters. In their thirst for knowledge, and for truth, they saw opportunity in the rising industrialism of the Clanndom of Aedelwynn, and began to set themselves on their path towards universal truths.

Information, Methods & Disciplines.

"When you're going to change the world, don't ask for permission."
- Garrett Aen Duine, Natural Philosopher & Sigillist.
Alternative Names
"Warlocks", "Doctors", "Physicians"
Research / Scientific
A fully trained natural philosopher, especially a physician, is often a luxury to have within the capitals of Aedelwynn, let alone outside one.
It is illegal to practice natural philosophy in An Arwyn due to the Order of the Bleeding Stone view on 'occult practices' and the history the country has with alchemy, wanton ritual practices, etc.   Natural philosophy is frowned upon in An Brenian because of the numerous traditional circles of Astòr whose influence suffuses nearly every aspect of the country's Blood Law. To further create hostility King Emerich An Brenian is disliked for his active patronship of sciences and natural philosophy.   The profession is also heavily restricted in An Eoghan due to the the Spakeheart Lodge's monopoly on knowledge and arcane practices. Whilst many who live in An Eoghan would have less animosity towards wizardry, the laws preventing innovation often put wizards and alchemists at odds with one another.
Other Associated professions

"Sulphur, Mercury, Silver"
The tools of the Natural Philosopher are very difficult to transport considering their fragility, size and weight. These tools remain at home or in their designated laboratory. Anything they would bring with them would be at severe risk. However, a laboratory is often furnished with a furnace, a distillery stand, numerous shelves full of various powdered or liquid ingredients ranging from quicksilver, to lead, to magnetite, powdered gemstones, etc. In addition to this comes the vast numbers of research journals, books and theses.   Nevertheless, should a natural philosopher feel the need to travel, they can bring small, more narrow tools with them, such as alchemists' supplies to make elixiers and potions on the go, or tinker's tools to supplement the various creations they might have fashioned over the course of the years. These can include an alchemical vial stand, gauntlets of acid projection for self defense, or even - in some of the rarest cases - shields of arcane defense.
  Hazards of the Trade:
Severe burns, pogroms, maddening truths, eldritch horrors, acid burns, permanent loss of sight, faulty self experimentation, loss of limbs, loss of motor functions, etc.

Disciplines of Natural Philosophy

Alchemy: Alchemy is a discipline that marries various fields of study in the ultimate attempt to create the perfect being, or the perfect substance. Through the use of astronomy, biology, metallurgy, and symbology, the alchemist transmutes the world without the requirements of the arcane as a crutch.
  Anatomy: The study of the mortal body, how muscles are attached to the bone, how they function and how organs sustain the body's requirements through various proceedings. Anatomy is instructed alongside medicine.
  Astronomy: The study of celestial bodies, their movements and application to symbology and alchemy. Astronomy also helps predict weather patterns, the seasons, etc.
  Biology: The study of the natural world, namely flora, through a logical and objective lense. Unlike art, biology seeks to understand nature and not replicate it, albeit they often end up going hand in hand.
  Medicine: The study of diseases, their effects on the bodies of mortals and fauna, and how best to treat them. Medicine is a crucial discipline no true natural philosopher would shun as it brings insight into the mortal condition, and reliable income.
  Metallurgy: The study of metals, how to shape them, their effects, applications and how different methods can be used to uncover what secrets they might hide. Alchemy demands that metallurgy be practiced to create a universal solution.
  Symbology: Symbology is the study of meaning, of the metaphysical, and of perception of the mortal world. It associates elements and significance to ingredients, concepts to celestial bodies, and elements to bodily humours. Much like runes, symbology represents mortality's access to the realm of the ideal, or the realm of forms.
Credit goes to: Ryan Amon.

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Articles under Natural Philosopher


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Dec 8, 2021 10:45

There's an impressive amount of detail of depth here, and I always have a soft spot for the sort of half mystic/occult scientist type. Very well done :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 8, 2021 19:01 by Arthur Audren

Thanks bro, means a lot to me!

Dec 10, 2021 09:43 by Dimitris Havlidis

Qurilion's list of amazing articles brought me here - and I am so very happy to have found this! Great work!

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Dec 10, 2021 16:06 by Arthur Audren

Thanks for the love, and for this website man!

Dec 10, 2021 15:16 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Fantastic article! I've done a lot of research those past few months in the history of natural philosophy, alchemy and chemistry and I can see all of your influences. You've done a great job in using them and mixing them with your own ideas :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Dec 10, 2021 16:06 by Arthur Audren

Thanks a bunch!