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The Will of Thousands, Spear of the North Star

"Lone Hope", "The Will of One", "The North Star".


The Will of Thousands is an ancient spear blade of star stone, knapped during prehistory by the ancestors of Ferdiankin as a final gift to their protegé, Dàghmor the Herald of the Stars. The star stone is considered a gift from the dead Edel, and thus the spear represents the union between both races of the Lightless Era of Aedelwynn. After serving its purpose, it struck into the night sky to keep the Circlet aloft, and prevent Darkness from submerging the world once again. It is said to be incapable of murder, and can only bring those it strikes within an inch of their deaths. It is a spear made for mercy, protection, and guidance.


DISCLAIMER: The following knowledge has been lost to time, remembered only by immortal beings and creatures so ancient they might as well be considered Gods.
Before the sun was born, before Light vanquished over the Darkness, the lands of the living were cast forever in shadow. Each soul that lived and died became a star, and each star lit the eternal night sky to guide mortals throughout their lives, journeying the heavens to aid in all lands, and all places.   Light had been wounded, slumbering and gone. Darkness corrupted the corpse of his sister, and forced the World to create monstrosities and abominations born from the very nightmares of living beings. Representations of agony, anger, fear, loneliness, greed, pride, and so on constantly hunted down the early An Edel, An Fir-bholg as they built Havens to protect themselves, only to fall again.   It was thus prophesised by the Breath of the World, that a lone Edel would vanquish over the Darkness by wounding it with ten thousand blades, but would die doing so. Known only as Dàghmor, he brandished a blade wrought by the ancestors of these prehistoric people, as made from the stars themselves. When wielding it, he dubbed it 'the will of thousands', for the spirits of hundreds spoke to him, guiding and influencing every action he took.   Upon completing his prophecy and dying, Dàghmor's body ascended to the skies alongside his brethren, and sank the Will of Thousands into the night sky. It became the northernmost star of the Circle, the constellation that englobes all others and protects the world from the Dark's influence. From Dàghmor's soul, the Sun was fashioned by the Llys adh Edel, and became the glowing beacon by which all abide by.


It used to hold great significance within the Llys adh Edel, specifically the Court of Stars, whose ruler claimed ancestry from Dàghmor. It is even present on the Court's crest, talismans and pendants that can sometimes be found within archaelogical digs. Even nowadays, the North Star has a subconcious significance to An Edel and other mortal races across the world. Many evil creatures, such as aberrations and fiends, naturally recoil from its depictions. Nowadays, though, the North Star is simply folklore that is said to guide the way and protect during the night, similarly to the moon.

"Hope rides alone. I can save ye,
yet to what purpose if ye cannot save yourselves?"
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
~ 4968 L.E
Destruction Date
The Will of Thousands is largely considered mythical.
Credit to: Geytkeypur

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Cover image: The Return by Eytan Zana


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