Ageless Damira Character in Aedes | World Anvil
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Ageless Damira

Ageless Damira

In Fate


  • High Concept: Harbinger of the New Gods
  • Trouble: The Prophecy Must Come First
  • Crossing Paths: Nazgul Taught Me About The World
  • Brimming With Potential
  • Fiery Temper I'll Pay My Debts Twice Over


  • (+4) Command
  • (+3) Evoke, Resolve
  • (+2) Clash, Lore, Maneuver
  • (+1) Charm, Discern, Provoke, Scout, Volley


  • Birthright: +2 to Command when exerting my will over other kobolds.
  • Nova: I can spend a Fate Point to use a destructive ritual on all nearby characters (friend or foe), rather than the ritual's normal area of effect. If the ritual ordinarily calls for a skill roll, I can roll Evoke in its stead.
  • Wings of Fury: My movement between zones can only be resisted by foes or effects with reach or ranged weaponry. The first time I fly during a fight, I can roll Command to intimidate opponents in the zone in addition to my other actions.
Played by
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd day of Hatching Fang, Dragon Moon, 96 AL
Year of Birth
96 AL 6 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Aligned Organization


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