Prophecy of Baizhan Myth in Aedes | World Anvil
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Prophecy of Baizhan

The prophecy of Baizhan is held and maintained by kobolds of the Bracaran Peninsula. As they tell it, at the end of the Dominion of Creation, at the moments of his death, the last of the gods spoke the words above, a prophecy of hope that has been passed down through the generations.

The Prophecy

Do not mourn my passing. There will come a time when new gods once again come forth in the birthplace of the old:
when earth and stone move on their own,
when the exiles are unmasked,
when tribes stretch from the isles to the streams.
Another such as I will lead you there:
born facing the sun,
sharp in mind as well as claw,
the strength of all the tribes beneath their wings.



The prophecy is common knowledge among kobolds of the Bracaran Peninsula. Every tribe's historian will know it, and every kobold will at a minimum know the gist of it.
Date of First Recording
Circa 3000 BR
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