Days of the Gods Tradition / Ritual in Aedes | World Anvil
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Days of the Gods

The Days of the Gods are a twelve-day festival celebrated by kobolds of the Bracaran Peninsula.



The festival celebrates the births of the twelve dragon gods. Celebrants hold that the gods hatched over these twelve days—though whether from one egg or many is disputed—with one emerging on each respective day.


The festival doubles as a celebration of kobold history. As a result, while the chief of a tribe formally proclaims the beginning and end of the festival, it is a tribe's historian who takes primary responsibility. At dusk each day of the festival, the tribe gathers for a recitation of history—tales of the gods, or of dominions and forbearances past—and to bear witness to the hatching of the Dragon Moon.


The holiday is observed yearly during the hatching phases of the Dragon Moon. The first day of the festival follows a night with no moon, and by the end of the festival, the moon will be at its fullest.   Baizhan is celebrated two days into Hatching Fang, which is believed to be the day of his birth.
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