Bracaran Peninsula Geographic Location in Aedes | World Anvil
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Bracaran Peninsula

The Bracaran Peninsula is the southeastern portion of the continent of Theriga. It is split between dwarven control of the Ashultum Mountains, the predominantly-human nations of Patria and the Kingdom of Acatha, the Bracaran Territories, and the city of Caryatis. Living around the edges of these larger nations are villages of kobolds, goblins, and orcs.


The backbone of the peninsula is the Ashultum Mountain range, which runs along its southwest face, gradually weakening from mountains into hills, and finally into islands. The northeastern portion of the peninsula is comparatively flat, gradually sloping down to the coast.


As the southernmost portion of Theriga, the Bracaran Peninsula has a colder climate than much of Aedes; winters bring freezing temperatures and snowfall, particularly in the mountains. Portions of the peninsula nearer the coast are generally more temperate due to the moderating influence of the water.

Natural Resources

The peninsula is rich in natural resources, subterranean resources in particular. While the dwarves hold the bulk of these, Acathans, caryatids, and even kobolds mine and trade ores, gems, and stone. There are forests here and there, most densely to the southwest; as a result, wood is neither scarce nor particularly abundant.   Compared to the center of the continent, arable land is relatively scarce. The majority of farming happens in the flatlands, nearby rivers and lakes; however, some of the Acathan hills have remarkably fertile farmland, leading to a prevalence of terrace farming.   The rolling hills are also home to many wild skaya. Most Bracaran cultures either hunt or ignore them, preferring traditional domestic animals brought south from the heart of the Patrian Empire. Kobolds, lacking access to richer resources, tend herds of domesticated skaya.


The non-mountainous portions of the peninsula fell entirely under Patrian control in 298 BR, and fractured into smaller nations between 4 BR and 61 AL.   Due to the peninsula's large kobold population, dominions and forbearances cause the borders of nations to expand and recede every century or so. The sole exception to this is the dwarves, whose borders have held, unshifting, for over a millenium.


  • The Bracaran Peninsula
    A zoomed-in map of the southeastern portion of Aedes.
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