Goblin Species in Aedes | World Anvil
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Goblins are one of the eight known sentient races that inhabit Aedes. Despised by most major civilizations, they find themselves living on the fringes of the Patrian Empire. During his reign, Emperor Aristillus sent the Legions north on a protracted campaign to fight the goblin tribes, a campaign that ended in his death.

Basic Information


Goblins vary wildly in sizes and shapes. The smaller ones are more similar in size and coloring—roughly 3 feet tall, with green or yellow skin and wide, flat heads—but the larger ones can stand thrice as tall despite their burly, hunched, misshapen bodies.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins have been observed to eat the bodies of their dead. The Patrian Empire sees this cannibalism as a sign of savagery, making their largescale eradication perfectly acceptable.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Within tribes, there are usually few goblins in ritualitic facepaint that make use of some sort of magic.
40 years
Average Height
3 feet (small) / 7 feet (large)
Average Weight
40 lbs (small) / 350 lbs (large)
Geographic Distribution
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