Qazir the Glider Character in Aedes | World Anvil
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Qazir the Glider

Qazir the Glider

In Fate


  • High Concept: Reclusive Polymath Inventor
  • Trouble: More Ideas Than Sense
  • Crossing Paths: The Most Arguably Literate
  • Dreams of Falling Slowly
  • Mursili is My Shoulder to Stand On


  • (+4) Fortify
  • (+3) Discern, Volley
  • (+2) Lore, Maneuver, Provoke
  • (+1) Command, Deceive, Resolve, Scout, Sneak


  • Architectural Eye: Qazir has witnessed thousands of things break, sometimes catastrophically. He can roll Fortify to examine a constructed "object" to create an aspect identifying its weakness.
  • My Own Personal Flying Contraption: With access to a tall place or a sufficiently strong arm, Qazir can fly for a limited time. Create a clock (with the GM determining how many ticks) with aspect "Falling Slowly", with one free invoke. The clock increments by 1 at the end of each turn, or 2 if the turn contained a particularly daring or complicated action, but can be decreased by various means. When the clock runs out, Qazir is finished falling... one way or another.
  • Ramshackle Inventions: Once per session, Qazir can invent something, creating an "invention aspect." The GM secretly rolls 1d6 and creates a stress track with that many boxes (n boxes). The invention aspect can be freely invoked n total times, each for a +1 bonus; doing so inflicts 1 stress every time. If the invention aspect is invoked enough times to overflow the stress track, the aspect is renamed to something disadvantageous, with a free GM invoke.
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Current Location
Year of Birth
81 AL 21 Years old
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