Stone Cradle Tribe Organization in Aedes | World Anvil
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Stone Cradle Tribe

In Fate


  • Strength: Heirs Of Daniyar's Legacy
  • Weakness: Dangerously Newfangled


  • (+2) Evoke
  • (+1) Clash, Fortify, Scout

Notable Members


The tribe is much more loosely traditional than the typical kobold tribe, in large part due to the permissive leadership of its chieftain. This has attracted such unique personalities as Mursili, Nazgul, and Qazir, who have only contributed further to its newfangled culture.


Compared to other kobold tribes, the Stone Cradle Tribe has above-average magical knowledge, as well as Qazir's various inventions (notably, gliders).


The Stone Cradle Tribe was most recently settled by refugees from Daniyar's Dominion, among them many of the more magically knowledgeable shamans.   In 96 AL, Irada and Tolegan came to the tribe, along with their newly-hatched dragon daughter, Damira.   In 102 AL, following Damira's sixth birthday, all but a token force from the tribe marched forth to Caryatis to formally join Damira's Dominion.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities
Dappled Rakhat

Dominion of Creation

The creation of the world and reign of the gods, according to the oral histories of the kobolds . Hatching from giant eggs, these dragons shaped the land with their mighty talons and created weather when their ferocious breaths combined.

  • 0 DC

    Death of Baizhan
    Era beginning/end

    The death of Baizhan, the last god, ushered in the Long Forbearance. As he lay dying, Baizhan spoke his prophetic final words.

Dominion of Zhanat

433 BR 310 BR

The dominion of the dragon Zhanat.

  • 410 BR

    Mursili's Creation
    Life, Birth

    Mursili, not yet volitional, was created as one of the first caryatids in the River Kingdoms.

  • 310 BR

    8 Prey Moon

    Zhanat's Wages
    Military action

    Zhanat, refused iron weapons by the dwarves, gathered his armies and attacked the dwarven city of Beletsun. He and the bulk of his kobolds perished, but the surviving kobolds returned home with a handful of iron weapons, dubbed "Zhanat's Wages" in a strange mix of contrition and pride.


Ashultan Forbearance

309 BR 263 BR

Brought on by the death of the dragon Zhanat, as well as multiple tribes of kobolds, at the hands of the dwarves.

  • 298 BR

    Patrian Annexation of Acatha

    Emerging from over a century spent under the dominion of Zhanat, the Kingdom of Acatha was able to negotiate a peaceful incorporation into the Patrian Empire. As a condition for their annexation, Patria pledged to commit the Legions in defense of the peninsular cities should another dominion arise.

Dominion of Daniyar

118 BR 76 BR

The dominion of Daniyar the Dark.

  • 76 BR

    21 Buck Moon
    76 BR

    23 Buck Moon

    Telemon's Deliverance
    Military action

    In a three-day siege at the city of Telemon (now Caryatis), Patria's Fourth Legion was able to beat back the massed kobolds and kill the dragon Daniyar the Dark, ushering in the Patrian Forbearance. They were all but decimated in the process.


Patrian Forbearance

75 BR 95 AL

Caused by the death of the dragon Daniyar.

  • 4 BR

    7 Flood Moon
    4 BR

    18 Flood Moon

    The Rout of Telemon
    Population Migration / Travel

    The arrival of the first wave of caryatids in the city of Telemon. The bulk of the inhabitants of the city preemptively fled, and the remaining inhabitants were treated mercifully. The city was renamed Caryatis and never reclaimed.

  • 1 BR

    Meges' Liberation of Shoal
    Life, Supernatural

    After a long journey through the River Kingdoms, Meges snuck into the city of Shoal and granted volition to all the caryatids within, Mursili among them.

    Additional timelines
  • 32 AL

    Mursili meets the Stone Cradle Tribe
    Life, Milestone

    Mursili, restlessly exploring the area around Caryatis, met the Stone Cradle Tribe for the first time.

    Stone Cradle
  • 61 AL

    17 Frost Moon

    Secession of Acatha

    The Kingdom of Acatha's declaration of independence from the Patrian Empire.

  • 81 AL

    Qazir's Birth
    Life, Birth
  • 89 AL

    Nazgul's Birth
    Life, Birth
  • 95 AL

    99 AL

    Nazgul's First Flight
    Life, Identity

    Nazgul's first flight took her far and wide, into both human and caryatid lands. She ultimately settled down in the Stone Cradle Tribe.

Damira's Dominion

96 AL and beyond

  • 96 AL

    5 Egg Moon

    Birth of Damira
    Era beginning/end

    Damira is born into the Needle Hill Tribe, marking an end to the Patrian Forbearance. The circumstances of her birth are believed to fulfill the Prophecy of Baizhan.

  • 96 AL

    1 Gadling Moon
    96 AL

    9 Gadling Moon

    Damira and her parents journey to the Stone Cradle
    Life, Relocation

    Damira's parents journey with her from Needle Hill to the Stone Cradle, hoping to raise her in a tribe with more draconic expertise.

    Stone Cradle
  • 102 AL

    13 Egg Moon
    102 AL

    16 Egg Moon

    The Stone Cradle Tribe marches to Caryatis
    Population Migration / Travel
    Session Report
    Read Session Report
    Stone Cradle
    Additional timelines


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