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(a.k.a. The Grieving Sun)

"The Sun is forever grieving for her lost husband, who was killed by the Demon King, Torinn. It is a pity that the Sun and the Moon is going to meet such a fate. Each year they say the world gets dimmer and dimmer. And one day the Sun will be become a cold dead sun and the world will be enveloped in Cold."  
  • Esarius, "The World Archivist"
  • Adalla and Rovun are often referred to as the Dual Dragons. Myths around their creation are sparse, from them being created by beings above the world's understanding to simply being from a different world all together. Adalla is the creator of the Elven people and the Sun of the Realm. She is revered as graceful and beautiful, which are qualities she put into the Elven people.   Rovun and Adalla left across the Solar Barrier when the last God was created, as to let the Gods of the Pantheon do their own thing. During the Uprising Wars however, Adalla and Rovun made their appearance to the Realm again to fight Torinn together. While Rovun was killed by Torinn's Weapon "Hollow" Adalla successfully managed to trap Torinn in the Nine Hells. To keep such an immensely strong being in the Nine Hells, Adalla's power is slowly but surely being sapped as she keeps the Demon King below.

    Divine Symbols & Sigils

    The holy Sigil of Adalla that is of a golden dragon unfurling its wings holding the Sun in between it's wings.


    Sunlight Eternal is the only Holiday that vaguely represents Adalla in any way. On this day, due to some anomaly, her power and heat are doubled, making the daylight extend for over 20 hours of the day. It's so strong enough, that it empowers fire magic to a startling degree.

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    Adalla wants to make sure balance of the world is achieved. She is one of the only beings who can cross the Solar Barrier at will, and if she has too, she will wipe a being's entire existence to ensure that the world won't end. She is very lenient with what she deems a "threat" to the world. For example, Torinn was a very clear threat to the stability of the world, but a being like the Lord of Fire, at this point, is not a threat.




    Towards Rovun



    Towards Adalla

    Divine Classification
    Creator of the Realm; Dual Dragon
    Rovun (spouse)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Golden Scales

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