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The Dream Realm

The Dream Realm is considered by most, to be the Afterlife. It is the place where people go when they pass on and await their next chance at life. For most, it is the end of one journey and the beginning of another. We see here, a Realm that at the moment is disunified, but with time and effort by the current Dream Empress, Montmorency Yaldabaoth, the Dream Realm might be established to it's previous stature.   Progress has certainly been made. And that, to the denizens of the Dream Realm, is what matters. That Order is being established to their Realm.


The Dream Realm at the current moment, is a set of scattered islands within a planar space. The scattered islands form a set of rings, with in the center a large and looming palace known as the Emerald Palace. This is where the Dream Empress resides, and is considered an ever expanding space. With the growth of the Dream Realm, halls are given to those of considerable influence after they give the Empress a deed of their land, these people later becoming Dream Monarchs. These places are referred to as "Dream Halls" and exist within the Emerald Palace,. These Halls have similar Domains to that as Gods, to ensure that there is no overlap. When one dies, for example, a decorated General who is also a Musician, they can go to either Dream Hall of their choice.   There are two current Dream Halls that have been established:
  • The Emperor's Throne. Home of Emperors, Generals and Decorated Soldiers.
  • The Emerald Theatre. Home of Fractured Minds and Muisicians.
  The islands that are not caught within the sphere of influence, often float aimlessly, where those not caught inside the influence of one of the Dream Halls live. These people here form their own communities, and within time, became the Kalashtar. A group of people that are seen as the protectors of the Dream. The Kalashtar are currently waning in population, as the Dream Realm is in the process of transitioning away from a Dream Drought.


The ecosystem of the Dream is almost paradoxical to it's establishment. There lies both sentient and non-sentient life, as all life comes into the Dream. Upon the floating islands it is common to see groups of Kalashtar and Animals coexisting with one another. As there isn't a need for food, the people and animals can prosper without conflict.

Ecosystem Cycles

There are times within the Dream Realm where there are overflows, where there are too many people that are dying within the Material Plane. During these Overflows, new Dream Halls are established so people can fill in those spaces. Conversely, there are periods of droughts during long eras of peace where there are next to no people within the realm. During these periods, Dream Halls are closed, so that mana can be conserved.   The world is currently transitioning into a period of an Overflow. So it's likely that more Dream Halls will be open within the Emerald Palace to give people a home and time to await their ticket.

Localized Phenomena

The Dream Realm and by extension the Nightmare Realm are the places where the phenomena of Judgement takes place. This Judgement begins with one dying before their 10th Verge is consumed. This begins by them making the treck across the sprial islands of the Dream Realm until they reach the center, where the Emerald Palace lies. Upon entering, they partake Judgement. This is where a showing of their life is told and shown to the Dream Empress by a figure also named Judgement.    From this point on, the Dream Empress will give that person under trial Judgement. If they pass to the liking of the Dream Empress, they can await their Rebirth Lottery in the Dream Realm. If they are deemed evil and not to the liking of the Dream Empress, they will be sent to the Nightmare Realm to await their longer Rebirth Lottery.   Additionally, on the topic of Rebirth Lotteries, a Rebirth Lottery is the number you are designated when you pass onto the Dream Realm. The number can be anywhere from 1 to 1,000,000. It depends on the number of people who have died during that period of time. That number dictates your placement in the Lottery.

Natural Resources

As the Dream is the place where memories and dreams are held, there is a large amount of mana within both the Dream and the Nightmare Realm. Mages adept in using these two magical sources can even rival some Shadic Mages in their potency and power. Don't let it fall into the wrong hands however...   The color of Dream Realm's magic is a bright purple (almost pink) where the Nightmare Realm's magic is a dark purple.


The History of the Dream and Nightmare Realms span the whole history of Aedir. The Realms were created by Weru and Weronafter the outcome of the Uprising Wars, so the Dead would have a place and a chance to rebirth after their mistakes as Gods. The Celestials that died during the Uprising Wars were given a chance to serve as Kalashtar and given a second chance to defend the Dream Realm from Nightmares. Most agreed, but some said no, normally.   The Kalashtar chose the Yaldabaoth line to rule the Dream and Nightmare Realms. As they both need to be equal, for if one were to become stronger than the other, it will cause mayhem for the Material Plane. However, the Yaldabaoth line grew complacent in the minds of some of the Kalashtar, specifically towards those who embraced the fire of the Dream.   There was a brief stint of time where the Lord of Fire attempted to conquer the Dream, goaded by a Kalashtar named Apollo, who was upset with the complacency and wanted to test on his kin. Although the keeping of the next Empress in line, Montmorency, failed, their hold upon the Nightmare can still be felt towards this day. Apollo's rule over the Nightmare Realm has since grown with the Chaos of the world. The influence of Apollo's hold of the Nightmare Realm effects the Phoenix, as their abuse of the Verges is still used and curses the soldiers of the Phoenix.   However, times are changing. Montmorency has plans to rebuild the Dream with a team of Architectural Visionaries. These Visionaries can help guide Montmorency and help her repair and keep the equilibrium between the Dream and the Nightmare stable.
Alternative Name(s)
The Afterlife, The Dream, Judgement.
Planar Sphere/Grouping
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