Belborin (Bell Bore In)

Belborin (a.k.a. Borin, Belb)

Phiinae male raised in small, hidden community in the mountains in north Qethanvale, very near the village of Kallah.   Belborin was raised to fear those outside of his mountain community, this included the other Phiinae who may have survived and are living in other parts of the world.   Belborin's whole existance has centered around survival, as does the existance for almost all surviving Phiinae.   Living just to survive has never been Belborin's goals out of life, though, and despite the risk, he leaves his small, hidden community to find a new life for himself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Belborin is incredibly strong, stronger even than he looks, and he's surprisingly agile and graceful. He is not however incredibly fast.

Facial Features

Belborin has an open expression and usually wears his feelings on his face.

Identifying Characteristics

On his right bicep is a dark area of his skin that looks almost like lightening. It is in fact a scar. He's quite proud of it and thinks it makes him look 'badass.'

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Belborin understands gender as a binary, because of his cloistered up bringing. As such, he will find the common understanding in to more open world of gender spectrum to be confusing. For himself, Belborin identifies totally as male.


Belborin. like most people in Aefeodel does not define his sexuality because, most people in Aefeodel are pansexual. As such only those who identify solely as heterosexual (about 10% of the population) or homosexual (about 10% of the population) declare any sexuality.


The Phiinae have no formal education and are educationed at home.


His work history consists solely of the work that all members of the Phiinae community contribute to the overall life of the community.

Morality & Philosophy

Belborin works very hard, after leaving his community, to abandon the 'morals' that he was raised with, or at least to not apply them to others. He understands that the small, secretive community places a great deal of value on staying hidden and that their morality has developed along the lines of protecting that secrecy. At first he struggles to understand the mainstream morality. He realizes must learn to step away from how he's been taught to understand right and wrong, and to experiance it and determine it for himself. And he's hungry for those experiences.


Despite being part elf and having a direct connection to natural magic, because of their being inhiding, Phiinae have all but forgotten how to be magical. And because magic is a visible act, it can draw attention.   Because of this, Belborin can find open use of magic to feel taboo, even if it isn't. The fact that skilled Mages are rare even in open society does not help him get over this taboo quickly.

Personality Characteristics


Belborin has lived his life in a hermit village and he wants to leave that behind. He wants to live a comfortable life with real people in it and real friends.

Personality Quirks

Belborin rarely takes things seriously.


Social Aptitude

Because of his secluded upbringing, Belborin often simply says whatever pops into his mind, no matter how inappropriate it might be.
Date of Birth
25th day of the 4th month
Community in mountains north of Kallah
Belborin's clothing is mostly skins, though he's managed to acquire a light brown linen shirt that's rather dirty and worn. His shoes are leather foot wraps.
Close cropped on the sides.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orcish green, though a little lighter than orcs because his species is half orc half elf
7 foot 3 inches


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