Drycraeft (Dry croft)

One of the major religions of Aefeodel. Likely the oldest of them.

Mythology & Lore

Followers of Drycraeft believe that a consistant flow of magic moves through all things. Life itself is a resevoir of that magic. There are some who have the ability to pull from that resevoir and manipulate it, some even are believed to be able to pull from around them.   The world itself must always be in balance. Only the most skilled masters of Drycraeft can mirror life and death, but they are also quite clear that it is just that, mirroring life and death; a great balance.   As the magic of the world must be in balance, for life to be returned another must be taken. An equal exchange.   Most mages are followers of Drycraeft.

Divine Origins

Drycraeft is beyond ancient. Possibly as far back as creation itself. Often referred to as the Old Religion.   Practiced before even the Fractious Age, Drycraeft is possibly the oldest of all religions.   Some Drycraefters believe that the balance is kept by one of the three gods. Though many believe that it is the magic itself that is the divine.

Tenets of Faith

Drycraefters believe that magic itself is neither good nor bad and has no preset alliegence, but is determined in how it is used.   The most basic tenet of Drycraeft is the maintaining of that balance. In most cases, this is easy enough, as most spellcraft requires 'only' the movement and manipulation of local magic. Some more powerful castings require much more than simple movement, occasionally amplification.   Some of the more violent spells involve the release of magical energy from resevoirs far deeper than just local. It is these spells that are thought often of as dangerous because of the extreme release. Because of this, it is considered absolutely necessary that when a powerful spell of release or attenuation, the spellcrafter should be seen 'balancing.' Meaning to do something to replace the magic expended. Typically, this is done only by the most well mastered of Spellcrafters.   Because Drycaesters believe that the great magics are directly tied to the Earth and life, waste of food, both plant based and animal based must be avoided.   Those who master the magic of Drycraeft, most often Mages, train for years in order to access and master the manipulation magic.


Drycaesters worship the ancient magic or the old gods by tending to the world around them. This is often done by maintaining gardens and caring for animals.


The Vediks of Drycraeft apprentice for years with elder vediks. They study for a minimum of six years, learning the balance and how to best keep it. They are then entrusted to keep balance and educate others in the balance.   Vediks wear robes that are woven from unbleached textiles.

Granted Divine Powers

The power to manipulate magic can be done by many, with careful training and apprenticeship. Occasionally, there are those who have innate abilities to manipulate magic.
Religious, Other
Notable Members


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