Aldryn Fayrencourte (All drin Fairincourt)

Aldryn Fayrencourte (a.k.a. Ald, Dryn, Ryn, Mage, Caster, Warlock)

Aldryn is a 19 year old human with superb magical abilities.   He's incredibly confident, probably over confident, though he's never encountered a reason for him to doubt any of his abilities.   Throughout his adolescence, he kept his abilities quiet, though not entirely secret. He used them often to get through his chores though when his father caught him taking the easy way out, he was often punished, but again, Aldryn frequently used his magic to lessen the punishment.   Despite not having failed in his sorcery or conjuring, his magic has at times had unintended consequences. He once was lighting a bonfire for a village celebration and inadvertantly ignited the village's supply of grain.   The occasional mishap from Aldryn's antics have angered the people of his village. While they haven't kicked him out, he's certainly often unwelcome.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aldryn is slight. He's very thin but strong. He looks fast and is.

Body Features

Thin and short. Lithe. His arms are also thin and looks like he could easily be broken, though that might not be the best idea.

Facial Features

Aldryn's face his angular. His open appearance and wide blue eyes give the appearance of gullibility and that might be true to a point but it also implies a novice understanding of things. When this comes to magic, this would be a grave miscalculation.   When not looking particularly naive, he can have a coniving, cunning look to his eyes. Aldryn is aware of this and likes to keep his dark, wavy hair long enough that it helps him look a little less put together and with it. Giving him the ability to hide behind it.   Aldryn is incredibly fair skinned and burns easily. His lips are full and pink which is striking against his fair skin, giving the appearance that he may be wearing lip balm. Especially during the colder, windier periods.

Identifying Characteristics

Dark blue eyes.

Special abilities

Aldryn has a natural ability to access and use magic. He's well suited to being a mage, though he understands that to truly call himself a mage, he will need to study, practice, apprentice.

Apparel & Accessories

Aldryn prefers a loose, tie up tunic, usually of a darker, or unbleached color, and similar trousers. He has a bag that is finely crafted and tanned leather that he uses to care some small personal items, as well as two books. One being a large, leatherbound tome of the antique magyks of the ancients (Voynich Magyka) and a short wood covered book on balance in drycraeft.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aldryn was born as the second son of Osbert and Cecile Fayrencourte (nee Cresh), a human family from Clerkenwell in the Kingdom of Qethanvale. His family have long been followers of the Twelve Whispers, though Aldryn has always questioned the Whispers, struggling with an Empress 'declaring' anyone a god. Instead, he started studying Drycraeft.   From a very early age, Aldryn was adept at magic, causing havok even as a baby.   Because Clerkenwell is not a city but rather a small village several miles from any major settlement, the Fayrencourtes have always been hard workers. Osbert worked hard to farm the local area and has been viewed by other members of the Clerkenwell community as an elder or mentor. Aldryn's older brother, Nasaryth, apprenticed to become a smith, while Cecile, his mother, apprenticed as a healer under her mother. Cecile is the fourth generation of her family to serve as Clerkenwell's primary healer.   At seven, Aldryn was helping his father in the fields and became distracted by 'flights of fancy' thus letting sunlight fade. For his delay, Aldryn was punished by having to stay late to harvest Saratha Beans. Once he was alone in the field, Aldryn spellcrafted to quickly pick the beans and place them in the baskets. He was caught by his father and punished further for not doing as he was told - the point was punishment, not to get it done. Despite being grounded, he still found himself laughing at the situation.   When fifteen, the village celebrated a particularly successful harvest with a bonfire in the village square. The fire started very small, despite having several dozen old pallets of wood and old baskets to burn. Elders added more fuel, but Aldryn didn't know that. Thinking he was helping he cast a spell to light the bonfire more effectively. As a result, the wood, now saturated in accelarant, quickly immolated, sending flames high into the air and embers to drift away from the pillar of fire. One of those embers came down in a grainery, igniting a large portion of the village's supply. Aldryn was able to magically extinguish the blaze, but not before being discovered as the cause. He was able to save most of the grain.   Because magic comes as second nature to Aldryn, he sees himself as practically, magically infallible and that the accidents that have happened aren't the fault of his magic so much as it is the problem of those around him or a lack of his own attention to detail. He sees this not as a reason to lessen his use of magic or as a reason to learn better control or more spells, but as a need to simply pay more attention.   When Aldryn was 17 a new family moved into Clerkenwell. The Sayercloths were a family of devout Baharuths.   While most villagers of Clerkenwell were either followers of the Twelve Whispers or Drycraefters, the influence of the Sayercloths and their anti magic views, along with Aldryn's past antics were enough to cause many to keep clear of Aldryn and for some to give him 'side eye.' He ended up promising to better control his abilites and to learn about his own magic wherever possible.   At nineteen, Aldryn decided that a small village was not where he was meant to be and decided to venture out in hopes finding a mage to apprentice with. Or to join the College of Mages in Oured, though much of the College could be myth.

Gender Identity

Aldryn understands gender to be a fluidic spectrum, a generally accepted fact in Aefeodel, but he seems himself as a binary male, solely identifying as male. Though he's hardly a 'masculine' individual.


Gay AF


Most education in Clerkenwell is not formal, and so most of Aldryn's studies have been independent. He taught himself to read. He has hopes for apprenticing with a great mage.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality is a grey. Aldryn's adherence to Drycraeft causes him to see things through a lens that is less of right and wrong, good and bad, and more of a view of is and isn't. Alliegences of persons and materials are not black and white but rather are simply a matter of one person's need and use, whether or not their needs, will, ambitions align with his own.   Because of his small village upraising, Aldryn has not experienced much in terms of the darker undercurrents and machinations that drive people, so he struggles to see that some people's motives may not just conflict with his own, but might have darker, planned outcomes.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves tea, specifically Bellzar Leaf Tea, brewed strong. Loves floral scents, particularly bergamot, citruses, lavendar and Bellzar flower. Hates coffee. Has grudge against Baharuths. Incredibly fascinated with old beliefs from the Fractuous Age and before. Hates scratchy fabric. Hates that people expect that he'd wear robes, since he's a caster. He really hopes that he can get away with his normal clothes if he gets into the College or starts apprenticing.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aldryn loves a good cidre, but is a lightweight and is easily affected by inebriation. When drunk, Aldryn is incredibly flirty and has no qualms about using magic to impress people.


Hygiene is a big thing for Aldryn. He first experienced a proper bath during a journy with his mother to a larger village a days ride away from Clerkenwell. The village had an inn and the local who'd called his mother put them up in the inn. He's since become obsessed with feeling clean. This had become a bit of a sticking point at home as he would often wash daily, using a lion's share of the water his brother had hauled back from the town well.


Religious Views

Raised as a follower of the Twelve Whispers. Aldryn now follows Drycraeft and studies balance. He believes that he must steward that which the world has given, and to do so, he must replenish that which he uses.

Social Aptitude

He can be very charming, though this could be less of a natural charm and more to do with an inadvertant charm spell. He's incredibly confident in his magical abilities. He thinks that high etiquette makes interactions enjoyable and practices far beyond what most do, which some find odd. His personal etiquette is dictated by balance. He often says "Etiquette is manners and manners are about making other people comfortable.


He's got a bit of an effeminate voice. He tries to speak politely in public settings like an inn, but when in private or with people he's accustomed to he can become rather vulgar.

Wealth & Financial state

Aldryn has no personal fortune or wealth. His purse only contains that which he has recently earned. Typically he earns his living by doing odd jobs for folks in the village he's staying in, getting the jobs done quickly with the help of magic.
Date of Birth
12th day of the 8th month (Spectresum) in the 9th year of King Volterion's reign (660)
Clerkenwell, Qethanvale
Wear shabbier clothes often ill fitting. His hair is often a mess, as he doesn't do much to keep it together.
Blue Eyes
Dark hair and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Extremely Fair
115 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common or Modern Aefeo, Common Myrwynth (the Forgotten Language) learned by reading the Voynich Magyka.


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