
Basic Information


Dwarves resemble Halflings, except stouter, hairier, and more endurant. They have a dense, polymineralic skeletal structure made up of copper, iron, calcium, titanium, and more depending on diet. In addition, they have bisected muscles where other elves and humans have singular muscles such as bi- and triceps, quads and glutes. This allows them to use one set of muscles as a reserve, allowing them to last longer under strain than others.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves are omnivorous, and due to their hardy nature, they can eat almost anything. To maintain their muscle-mass and skeletal structure, they eat a lot; close to 20 pounds of food a day. They have a high need or protein and minerals and as such there are various minerals that are appetizing to dwarves in a similar way that salt is savoury to humans and animals. Iron, Copper, Zinc and Titanium, in particular, are considered delicacies, as such various "salts" that are inconsumable to other races are often part of dwarven cuisine.

Biological Cycle

Dwarves reach maturity at age 10 and are considered adults at 16. They maintain their vigour into old age, where only the truly old turn feeble. The average lifespan of a dwarf is ~200 years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

THe social structure of dwarves is largely patriarchal.

Facial characteristics

Dwarves tend to be round faced and often have beards. They often have ruddy cheeks and and frequently muddy or dirty.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dwarves are native to all Seven Kingdoms of the realm of Aefeodel.

Average Intelligence

Human like intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Living in the mountain ranges and underground caverns of the world, they are well adapted to low-light conditions. They also have an inherent understanding of stone, allowing them to read stone the same way a hunter could read a trail.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarves typically have four parts to their name; their first name, last name, clan name and an earned name. Typically, the first name given to a child is morphologically similar to their father if its a boy, or their mother if its a girl. Example, Gunnar, son of Gunther or Tonja daughter or Ronja. The last name given to a typically depends on which parent has the highest contribution, or in other words, best earned name, as the child inherits one of their parents' earned name. Typically, the earned name is decided by The Conclave Council or the leader of an expeditionary force if it's unlikely that one might live to get one from the council. It is based upon a remarkable achievement. One might refuse an earned name, but one only has until the age of 40 to earn one, I.e. three Stonestices, i.e. three chances. Example; Lifeshield, for someone who took a potentially fatal blow for someone else or Bloodhammer, for someone who slaughtered a lot of enemies. Clan names are the closest thing to a "caste" in dwarven society. There are few clans in each city-state, usually no more than five. The Clan name is based and the Earned name of the founding figure. Examples. Steelbeard, Firetongue, Shadowslayer, Lightbearer etc.


There is no consensus on our origin. We all agree that are from Skaparshall, but where that is... no one knows. The asshats over at the Witton Academy believe we are extra-planar. The Elves think of us as some stranded vagrants, like them. Psh, I say. We are from Skaparshall. And that lies beneath us, or perhaps one of the other conclaves, or some other place entirely; matters not! The Stonestice is upon us, and we MUST make full use of it. Reports from the survivors of Sandhav have reported that during the last stonestice, they encountered white-skinned kinsmen down there, and that there were signs of hewing in the tunnels! Their conclave was lost to a surge of Deep Spawn that followed the delving teams back, so we must make certain to not make the same mistakes! We must delve! We might not live to see home, but our children might!
Average Height
1-1.25 meters
Average Weight
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