Kingdom of Qethanvale (keh than vale)

The Kingdom of Qethanvale dates to the Terrible Divorce, more than six centuries ago. And has seen 52 kings.


Qethanvale is divided into three administrative districts, Northern, Central, and Southern. Each districted is directly governed by a Regional Governor appointed by the King. The Regional Governors are always of nobility and are typically styled as 'Lord'.

The governors are advised by a small cabinet of appointees selected by the governor.

More locally, cities are governed directly by the senior most member of the local aristocracy or his designee. Towns tend to be governed by local nobles, often styled as 'Lord Mayor' and villages are autonomous in terms of government leadership, typically being let by a village elder or someone who had garnered the respect of the villagers.

The King's Privy Council is a body of twelve trusted councilors, appointed by the King. The Privy Council is presided over by the King, or the Lord Chancellor in the King's absence.

Final authority rests with the King and his powers are absolute.


Qethanvale is, by and large, a bouquet of cultures and peoples. Many of the customs come directly from the days before the Terrible Divorce. Because of this, the most populace species in the Kingdom of Qethanvale remains human. This does not, however, mean that other species are scarce and in fact in most cities and towns you will find rich and thriving populations of the many other species that make up the citizenry of Qethanvale.

Because of the rich potpourri of faiths through out the Kingdom, there are very few days that don't hold some religious meaning. The different cities, towns, species, and faiths all contribute to a rich and vibrant culture that, while at times may seem disparate, makes a safe, strong, diverse society that produces many of the realms greatest poets, authors, artists, and musicians.


Founded a year after the Terrible Divorce, the Kingdom of Qethanvale was established with the enthronement of King Elfrant the Communicator.   Elfrant's first years on the throne were chaotic. The short time after the Divorce but before the founding is sometimes called "the year of no one." It was a period of lawlessness and chaos. Elfrant was able to bring stability to the region and by the end of his fourth year on the throne, he'd established the three administrative districts and built a stable economy while creating a culture of chivalrous order and an infantry of common man.   After 9 years on the throne, the way of life in Qethanvale shifted from simple survival to a thriving, prosperous nation. Interest in the arts, culture, and sciences returned as well as a desire for knowledge about history.   Seeing continued unrest to the north of the mountains that made up Qethanvale's northern border, Elfrant pushed north to the Ismuth, annexing that land and making the entirety of the South Qethan continent completely covered by Qethanvale.   After a reign of 19 years on the throne, in 21 AG, Elfrant died, immediately elevating his son, Supiluliamus to the throne.   Compared to his father, Supiluliamus' reign was short, with only seven years on the throne. His reign is considered a time of stability, with no progress. Some historians believe that King Supiluliamus saw his own reign as a short interim reign. Nothing of great note happened during his reign.   For several kings' reigns Qethenvale prospered and its culture flourished.   By the reign of King Bardains I, non-human species had started to return to a more unified sense of Qethen society. As a celebration of his Silver Jubilee, his 25th year on the throne, Bardains I repealed all restrictive laws on non-humans.   With a new welcome of all of Qethanvale's citizens, the Kingdom entered a period of incredible economic and artistic prosperity and it soon began exporting it culture to other nations within the realm.   In 135 AG, King Krake took the throne. Krake's reign was a period of transition in Qethanvale. Trade with other kingdoms had stagnated and in some parts of the kingdom, illnesses were beginning to flourish.   During his tenth year on the throne, the kindom's population dropped by 12%, largely in part to a combination of failed crops and an illness that was devestating the southern regions.   By the time Krake was celebrating his Silver Jubilee in 160 AG, some smaller cities had dealt with rumblings of anti-Krake rebellions. The Elfrant Knights, a chivalrous order dating back to King Elfrant, were deployed and were able to quell rebellions in amazingly non-violent methods.   In 185, Krake celebrated his Golden Jubilee, his fifieth year on the throne. All across Qethanvale, massive celebrations were held. It is estimated that the total cost of the Jubilee celebrations cost the Stormfall Treasury (the official name of the Qethanvale central bank) more than 400 million talants, and it is believed by some to have kickstarted an economic boom that the kingdom rode for nearly a decade.   Krake would not see the length of that time of growth, as he died just three years later.


The standing military of the Kingdom Qethanvale is primariyl a trained infantry as well as Chivalric Orders.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System

Qethan Talant


Talants are comprised of six denominations of coin.

1 Talant = 1 Talant

1 Real = 0.5 Talants

1 Token = 0.25 Talants

1 Austral = 0.10 Talants

1 Floren = 0.05 Talants

1 Piece or Bit = 0.01 Talants

Legislative Body
Legislative action is mostly carried out by the regional councils appointed by their regional governors.   On a larger, more national scale, the Privy Council handles most legistative action with final ascent given by the king.
Judicial Body
The Stormfall Courts are the primary judicial body of the Kingdom of Qethanvale. The Crown Justices of the Stormfall Courts are appointed by the Privy Council with final approval made by the King.   With in the administrated districts as well as cities, and towns, judicial responsibility is carried out by judges appointed by either the regional governors or the lord mayors.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items
Notable Members
Related Species


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