Faith of Baharute (Bah ha root)

One of the more modern, prominent faiths in Aefeodel, followers of Baharute worship not just one god, but condemn those who don't believe in Baharute, believing that death is truly the end for them. It should be noted that many of the religions in Aefeodel do not believe in an afterlife per se.   Worshipers of Baharute believe they are promised another life, an opportunity to score 'more points' in an ever promoting hierarchy, with the hope that when the Final Night comes they might earn a place in the Blessed Ageless Haven.

Mythology & Lore

At the beginning of time, a great will existed. From it's own want, it called the universe into exisitance, a plane for it to admire it's own masterful creativity, a plane that reflected back the image of itself. Becomeing bored with just a universe, the being, Baharute, called life forth on the earth.   Baharute put a life force, a well of energy (drycraefters call it magic, Baharuths call it life), into the vary fabric of the world. That all creation might pull from this well.   Baharute maintains the Well of Life, and cares for his creation. Giving subtle clues to his existance in the world itself.   The Well of Life is sacred and no man has a right to it, but rather is given freely from it by Baharute. Because of this, those who manipulate that which come from the well blaspheme against Baharute.

Divine Origins

A century after the Great Cataclysm, some had come to believe that some greater power had become angry. From this a belief in a single, supernatural being rose. Baharute (bastardized from the lost language of antiquity Bar Root which is believed to have been an ancient drycraeft name for the root of a particular, now extinct tree that was used for staffs because of its natural ability to harness and manipulate magic) became the name revealed to believers of this new faith.   Prophets spoke of how Baharute created the Well of Life of his own will and maintains it today. They spoke of how only Baharute has an right to the Well of Life and how those who use and manipulate Life for their own purposes defile the Well and their existance itself is a affront to Baharute himself.   These same prophets wrote the sacred texts, collectively known as The Testaments of Life, having had the words and beliefs revealed to them by Baharute himself. The Testaments lay out the format of belief, and worship, as well as the history of Baharute and his will for all people.

Tenets of Faith

The prime tenet of Baharute is that there is but one divine, Baharute, who gives Life from the Well to all.   It is the responsibility or all Baharuths to spread the truth of Baharute, that other might bow down and worship him too.   In more conservative sects of the faith, Baharuths live simple, austere lives. Other believe that prosperity is a sign of Baharute's pleasure with that believer.   It is the responisbility of all Baharuths to call out the faults of others, that they may correct them to live a life in line with the will of Baharute, in hopes of earning a place in the Blessed Ageless Haven at the Final Night.   Only followers of Baharute will earn their place in the Blessed Ageless Haven. Others shall be eternally dead. Believers may experiance death hundreds of times, that they can earn the favor of Baharute until the Final Night.   To earn their place in the Blessed Ageless Haven, believers must have followed Baharute through all of their lives.


Faithful Baharuths pray or make supplications in the morning and evening. On the third, fifth and seventh day, Baharuths gather in the evening to worship.   A worship service for Baharuths includes a lengthy reading from the Testaments of Life, and an interpretation from the Seer. Offerings are given, usually financial and a burned offering, given as a thanks and for the life from that offering to be given back to Baharute to replenish the Well of Life.   On the primary service, the service held on fifth day of the week, worshipers are encouraged to give a faithful account of their faults that they might make restitution and have their fault taken clensed. Restitution usually involves a ritualistic provision of supplies for the offering as well as a monatary restitution. While the Naming of Faults is declared to the Seer that he might determine the appropriate restitution, the Naming must be a public account of the faults.


Religious leaders of Baharute are called Seers.   Seers spend years studing the Testaments of Life that they might be true and faithful interpreters of the texts. It is their responsibility to guide Baharuths through their lives, both temporally and spiritually.   The hierarchy of Seers is large. Local Seers are overseen by Observers (bishops) and observers are overseen by the College of Sight, a selection of Observers who provide governance and leadership. The College of Sight elect the Glass of Baharute who is the ultimate authority.

Political Influence & Intrigue

In most Nations of the realm of Aefeodel, the Faith of Baharute is not a majority religion. In Kingdom of Niobrix, Baharute is the state religion.   In most of the seven kingdoms, it has little influence however in Niobrix it informs the ruling class's every decree. Some have criticised the Kingdom of Niobrix as a theocracy.
Founding Date
Appx 1735 FA
Religious, Primacy
Related Myths


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