The Final Night

The Final Night is held by Followers of Baharute to be what many would call the end of the world. In most simple of explanations, The Final Night shall be when Baharute gathers up the followers of Baharute will be granted a place in the Blessed Ageless Haven, a realm of bliss with Baharute, while those who have failed to measure up will ceace there cycle of re-birth, leading to perminent death.


Followers of Baharute believe that when the well of life is depleted - likely following some cataclysmic event such as a war or plague - Baharute stand as arbiture of peace. He will judge those who have proclaimed him throughout their cycle of lives, and grant them final entry into the Blessed Ageless Haven, while leaving those who have failed to proclaim him to their final lives where, upon death, they shall find no resurrection.


Belief in the Final Night is held only by the Followers of Baharute as most other religions of Aefeodel do not have an apocalyptic prophesy. Since the faith of Baharute is a relatively small faith, it is a very rarely held belief, though many have at least heard of it as the followers are a small but loud group.

In Art

The Final Night has inspired more than a dozen paintings of Baharute's arbitration, as well as a few musical pieces. Those however are not widely known outside of the Followers of Baharute
Date of First Recording
Appx 1735 FA, the Testaments of Life
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