
Humans are some of the most versatile sentient species on Earth, they are found everywhere and can adjust to many living conditions by way of their ingenuity and stubbornness.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Traditional sexual reproduction. Humans have a very malleable composition when it comes to offspring, this makes it easy for them to mate and have hybrids with other species. Its also noted that this crossbreeding practice can be frowned upon in some settlements or kingdoms as some of the old views of human superiority remain from the days of the Aefeodel Empire.

Growth Rate & Stages

Average of 90 years.   Infancy: 0 - 36 months   Todler: 36 months - 5 yo   Childhood: 5 yo - 13yo   Adolescence: 13yo - 17yo   Young Adulthood: 17yo - 30yo   Adulthood: 30yo - 65yo   Mature Adulthood: 65yo - 85yo   Geriatrics: 85+

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans can be found in all corners of the map and in all the realms. In most realms they are the dominant species

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Humans have very subjective ideals on beauty, depending on their views they can end up with any member of any sentient species, that being said it has been noted that the grand majority of them prefer partners of a more humanoid looking species.

Historical Figures


Common Myths and Legends

Humans have developed many myths about divinity in their time on Earth.   Some of the myths explain that humanity is meant to hold dominion over all things, other that humans must be in symbiosis with others.   Some human faiths encourage humans to explore and utilize magic where possible, others condemn it outright.
90 years
Average Height
Related Organizations


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