Kingdom of Niobrix (Neo Bricks)

Just two years after the Terrible Divorce, the Kingdom of Niobrix declared its sovereignty, making it the third major kingdom to form following the Terrible Divorce. Initially governed by a council of elders, within just a year, King Eglodon I was appointed king by the Glass of Baharute. King Eglodon ruled over Nibrix with a steady hand, providing a much needed sence of stability in a region that had been ravaged in anarchy following the Terrible Divorce.
  Guided by the College of Sight, senior Overseers of Baharute, Eglodon was able to justly rule for 14 years before dying of the palsy.


The King of Niobrix claims absolute authority. His bloodline is divinely appointed by Baharute and annointed by the Glass of Baharute.   While the King's power is absolute, he is guided closely by Court Overseers, appointments from the College of Sight to council the king.   Niobrix is a hereditary, patriarchal monarchy. While at birth, the first born son is the Heir Apparent, the Glass of Niobrix can council the king to reorder succession if another male son is born.   The Heir Apparent has the responsibility of military leadership and bestows knighthoods himself to those of noble decent who serve as squires and test.   The Crown passes immediately at the death of the monarch as there can be no void of divinely appointed authority.


Niobrixian culture centers highly on the family unit. And while there are plenty of polyamorous relationships in the country, the senior most male in a family unit is the head of household. He guides the family and is responsible for the lives of those in his household, both physically and spiritually.   Much of this centers around the church, with worship being the focal point of all of Niobrixian society. It is in worship that friendships are born and community is built.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Neighboring Nations


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