Windwhisper Crown

An open coronet of embossed gold headband mounted with pearls in recessed settings. The coronet was made by the Crown Jewellers for the Golden Jubilee of King Krake at the Stormfall Citadel.   The Windwhisper Crown, weighing less than half that of the Stormfall Crown, became the crown worn daily by Krake and all subsequent kings, relegating the Stormfall Crown to a much more ceremonial role.


Created by the Crown Jeweler, Belaraphon, the crown was created for King Krake's Golden Jubilee in 185. The aging monarch had long complaned that the weight of the Stormfall Crown gave him a headache. Thus 'necessitated' the commissioning of a newer, lighter weight crown that Krake could wear every day.   Despite Krake dying just three years later, the new "Windwhisper Crown" became used almost daily by all subsequent monarchs, because of its light weight and ease of wearing.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Creation Date
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Only one of its kind.
2 lbs
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Gold and Pearls


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