BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Creating your Character

Characters in this short campaign will start at level 5!   As it'll be a short campaign, classes and races will be fairly free-form. You can come into Aegir with as much or as little information as you'd like - and sections of this WorldAnvil can be unlocked to show more information about certain aspects of the world that you discover (Or kept hidden to keep everything a mystery!).   Below I'll put some minimal information to help you start thinking about what to play, as well as help to suggest what your characters story may have been before arriving at Aegir!  

Brief History of Aegir

  The scholars of Aegir typically agree that the Islands of Aegir mysteriously rose out of the sea - for what reason, who rose them or exactly when it happened all remain a mystery.
What is known however, is that Aegir is a hotbed for magical activity. The space between realms seems thin on the Islands, and as such Aegir contains flaura, fauna and materials not seen anywhere in the old lands.   Think of Aegir as the "New World" - or at least the most recent one to be colonised. A real world comparison of this would be America during the Gold Rush. Whilst the land itself might not be completely 'civilised', there are a number of large settlements that are benefitting greatly from the lands natural resources. The Kingdoms here aren't especially old, but the Islands of Aegir themselves contain an ancient history that is still being discovered.   There are three main kingdoms on Aegir:

Each have vastly different ideologies, values and goals, and each contains a plethora of races and peoples - some only seen on Aegir.

There are also a number of smaller Kingdoms, clans and peoples, some of which include:
  • The Southlands of Ithari
  • The Icy Realms of Skoringr
  • The Swamplands of The Dead Basin
  • The Free Cities - trading ports who claim no allegiance

In the first days of colonisation, people came to Aegir typically to escape - be that from their old, dull lives, or from some more nefarious activities. The initial years of Aegirs colonisation were frought with wars - sometimes between colonists and beasts, and sometimes between the colonists themselves.

However, in recent years Aegir has turned into a bustling center of commerce - as the wars became distant memories people were able to start exploiting the opportunities that Aegir had to offer. Flourishing farms, large mines of never-seen before ores and valuable magical materials are common place around Aegir, and as such the Kingdoms have all prospered greatly.

The only problem is that Aegir itself is so vast that large areas of uninhabited land remain, creating the perfect refuge for bandits, monsters and all manner of magical dangers.
This is where the Aegir Guild of Adventurers comes in! They are a somewhat loosely formed organisation of warriors, adventurers and scholars that banded together to act as lawkeepers and monster slayers.

In todays age - the Guild acts as a catch-all for the many, more dangerous services required around Aegir, and has in itself become a powerful organisation - existing outside of the often political circles of Aegir's main empires.

What brought you to Aegir?

This is where you come in!

Your character has answered a call from the Adventurers Guild.
The Guild commonly send out invitations to small-time adventurers that have yet to put down roots. For a reason that only you know, your character has decided to take up this offer and travel to the lands of Aegir.

Perhaps your escaping a boring life in a small village, longing for adventure when suddenly the opportunity arose?
Or perhaps your trying to avoid more unsavoury aspects of your past life?
Maybe it's just the prospect of adventure, or the opportunity to earn some money?

Either way, your name has reached the Guild - you've most likely achieved some small feats as an adventurer already (Maybe you cleared out a small Goblin cave that kept stealing your parents Cows and slew their Hobgoblin King? Or perhaps you caught a thief for a Noble, who recommended you to the Guild?


There are no set limits on what race you can play in Aegir - the land contains a plethora of races, including a number of homebrew races that you may not have seen before.
Homebrew is also not off the table, as long as it can be agreed with the DM beforehand.

Depending on what race you choose, some tweaks can be made to help your character more easily fit the setting - but the setting is pretty crazy anyway so have some fun!
Maybe it really is time to crack out that depressed, ratfolk jester that you've always wanted to play...


As with Races, the available classes in Aegir are very flexible. Some homebrew classes mechanics may be introduced along the way depending on what you find, so keeping the theme - both official and non-official content are fine - as long as they are agreed with the DM beforehand (You can't play a Mech with nukes for arms - sorry).
Again, some tweaking of homebrew stats may be required, so it's worth checking in with plenty of time.

Character Origins

Typically, characters in this short campain will be from off-Island - travelling to Aegir for the first time.
This is mainly to give you the opportunity to maintain as detailed (Or not so detailed) backstory as you like, as well as introduce you slowly to some of the more non-standard concepts I've got within the world of Aegir- as in our short time in this setting, we most certainly won't get to see them all!
  If you somehow find the World Map of Aegir in WorldAnvil (Or if you click that handly link...) - don't worry, it's designed for a much larger campaign I've been working on, so don't feel like you have to see it all, because you most likely wont!

What if I want to be from Aegir?

Even though your character is only just joining the Adventurers Guild - that's not to say you have to be from the old world!

Should you want to, you can be from one of Aegirs many islands.
This'll involve a short chat where I'll outline the main realms of the Island, and where abouts your character could be from.
  Each Realm has a different cultural inspiration, local environment, traditions, technology level, belief system and political structure - so whatever character you're thinking of playing; if being from Aegir is of interest to you, we'll likely be able to find out where they are from.   I'll make sure to feed you relevant information before the start of the campaign - but keep in mind that due to the length of this campaign, it's likely that not all of it will be relevant.

That's It!

Get out there and make your character!

If you've got any questions, just send me a quick DM on discord, and I'll get it answered.


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