Arush Altok
Arush Altok was founded by Saint Azalea and Queen Akra and was the capital of thr Kingdom of Arkan. It served as a shining beacon of culture and knowledge before its destruction in 974 when the city was detonated in order to buy time for Drakani leadership to flee the city from crusading armies.
The architecture of Arush Altok followed similar design themes to other drakani architecture of the time. Many buildings were made out of stone due to the prominence of breath-based elemental abilities within the population. Many buildings would have large vaulted ceiling that would mimic the lairs of dragons in their height. It was said that when you looked out over the city, sunlight would gleam off of the metallic domed roofs that the drakani favored in order to show off the cities' material wealth.
16th of Scholar's Writ - 974 AOR
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