The Mk.2 Ruins
The ruins of the attempted second warforged settlement on the continent, meant to link the most dangerous hearts of the inland wilds under control of the construct republic. Following the excellent success of Construct Town it was thought as a given that the warforged would succeed in yet again settling in hostile territory, their nature as constructs makes them the perfect pioneers for dangerous terrain after all. However whether through arrogance, overconfidence or just sheer bad luck it was not meant to be.
No one knows for certain what exactly happened to Mk.2. Between one day and the next the city was simply a ruin, pockmarked and scarred with battle damage, strange pockets of magical radiation causing the laws of nature to behave oddly, buildings floating in the air, spaces larger on the inside than the outside, pockets of time you emerge from before you even enter, and not a living soul, construct or otherwise, alive to tell the tale of what transpired.
Despite all this though, the ruins are a popular destination for those few adventurers brave, powerful or stupid enough to push towards the center of the continent. The strange magics that permeate the inland seem more concentrated in these ruins than anywhere else and already several artefacts of power previously thought impossible to enchant in an object have been discovered.