The cult of Vidius is the most widely established by a fair margin. In every city, big or small one can find at least one church of the masked god tending to the local graveyard, overseeing a pyre or performing any of the other ceremonies for putting the dead to rest. In larger cities, the cult tends to construct temples as vast labyrinthine subterranean mausoleums, doubling as burial places for the honoured dead, as well as the living and administrative quarters of the clergy. While aboveground their temples double as theaters, museums and galleries where the cult sponsors and performs shows and musicals as a form of praise to their god.
More broadly, as the god of thresholds, Vidius is often given praise at the start or end of a journey, when entering or exiting a city, or when about to undertake an important or life changing decision. Monster hunters in particular often seek his blessing as the god of twilight, to hunt nocturnal monsters, particularly undead, without permitting them safety in the cover of night. Undead are the most hated enemy of the cult, as their existence beyond the cycle of life and death over which governs Vidius is believed to be a direct insult to the masked lord and the natural order.
The Cult of Vidius is highly organized, a strict hierarchy of priests, bishops, hierarchs and ultimately the pope deciding the direction of the church, from the grandest cathedral to the smallest of parishes. It is perhaps due to this that the majority of popes of the triune has been from the cult of Vidius, as the two brethren faiths are both relatively smaller and more devoted to the spiritual matters at the heart of their church, while the cult of Vidius has a distinctly political bend to it, high ranking members often serving as advisors to nobility across the realms.
On Aelcantar, the cult is making great effort and expending a considerable amount of wealth to secure a foothold, grand cathedrals being constructed in all the larger cities, and even the smallest of frontier settlements having at least a small temple by the graveyard to tend to the dead. There is rumors that the cult is doing this in preparation to call the first crusade in over a century, and the first crusade ever on the new world, to drive the large amounts of undead present on the continent back into the afterlife.
Lay priests of Vidius are clad in simple robes of brown or grey, wearing ornate drama or comedy masks for festivals, rituals and formal occasions. The higher up members of the cult wear considerably more ornate robes, often styled to evoke some emotion or motif, making them look a great deal like performers themselves. The hierarchs and pope all wear unique masks, holy relics of the cult said to be blessed by the masked lord himself, and are rarely, if ever, seen without them. The holy symbol of Vidius is a cojoined drama and comedy mask, most priests carrying it as an amulet around their neck, but sometimes atop a rod or scepter.