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Aelisara - New Elvish (/eɪˈlɪsərə/)

Natively known as: Aelisara /eɪˈlɪsərə/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
sor amir halsen se hola sor lorat amir nima feska al vento
Pronunciation: /sor əˈmir ˈhal.sen se ˈho.lə sor loˈrat əˈmir ˈni.mə ˈfes.kə al ˈ
Aelisaran word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f g h j k l m n p r s t v w z
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d k g
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ h
Affricate tʃ dʒ
Approximant ɹ j w
Lateral approximant l
Vowel inventory: a e i o u ə
Front Central Back
High i u
High-mid e o
Mid ə
Low a
Syllable structure: (C)V(C)
Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable   Spelling rules:   PronunciationSpelling ʃʒzhtʃchdʒjəa (only in unstressed syllables)ŋng


  Nouns   Aelisaran nouns do not have grammatical gender, and there is no distinction between singular and plural forms. The context of the sentence is used to determine the number.   Definite article: Aelisaran has a definite article, "la," which is placed before the noun. There is no indefinite article.   Pronouns:   I: me you (singular): to he, she, it: sor we: noi you (plural): voi they: lori Verbs   Aelisaran verbs are conjugated according to tense and aspect. The basic form of the verb is the infinitive, which ends in "-ar," "-er," or "-ir." The person is not marked on the verb, so subject pronouns are used when needed for clarity.   Tenses:   Present: -a, -e, -i Past: -as, -es, -is Future: -av, -ev, -iv Aspects:   Simple: unmarked Progressive: -ond (e.g., cantond = singing) Perfect: -at (e.g., cantat = have sung) Examples:   to cantar (to sing): me canta (I sing), me cantas (I sang), me cantav (I will sing) to vider (to see): me vide (I see), me vides (I saw), me videv (I will see) to dormir (to sleep): me dormi (I sleep), me dormis (I slept), me dormiv (I will sleep)   Adjectives   Aelisaran adjectives agree in number with the noun they modify but do not change for gender. They are placed after the noun.   Examples:   la kasa bela (the beautiful house) la kasa belas (the beautiful houses) Adverbs   Adverbs are generally formed by adding the suffix "-ment" to the adjective.   Example:   bela (beautiful) → belament (beautifully) Prepositions   Some common prepositions in Aelisaran are:   in: en to, towards: a on: su with: kun for: por from: da under: sub above: supra

Idiomatic Expressions

  Every language has its idiomatic expressions, and Aelisaran is no exception. Here are a few examples:   Tener la luna en la kabeza: Literally, "to have the moon in one's head"; it means "to be a dreamer" or "to have one's head in the clouds." Kuando la kasa kanta: Literally, "when the house sings"; it means "a rare event" or "once in a blue moon." Mangiar kon gli oki: Literally, "to eat with one's eyes"; it means "to feast one's eyes" or "to admire something visually." Negation   To negate a sentence in Aelisaran, the word "no" is placed before the verb.   Example:   Me canta (I sing) → Me no canta (I don't sing) Questions   To form questions in Aelisaran, the word "ka" is placed at the beginning of the sentence, and the sentence structure remains the same as in a declarative sentence.   Examples:   Me canta (I sing) → Ka me canta? (Do I sing?) To vide la kasa bela (You see the beautiful house) → Ka to vide la kasa bela? (Do you see the beautiful house?) Conjunctions   Some common conjunctions in Aelisaran are:   and: e but: ma or: o so: do if: se because: ke

Sample Text

  Here is a sample text in Aelisaran, along with its English translation and a pronunciation guide:   Aelisaran: Lori vive en la kasa bela supra la koline. Sor shanta kontent e sor dansa kon la folas. La sol brilas e la vento suava flua tra la arboles. Ke bela dia!   English: They live in the beautiful house on the hill. He sings happily and she dances with the leaves. The sun shines and the gentle wind flows through the trees. What a beautiful day!   Pronunciation: /ˈlo.ri ˈ en la ˈ ˈ ˈsu.pra la koˈ sor ˈʃan.ta konˈtent e sor ˈ kon la ˈfo.las. la sol ˈbri.las e la ˈ ˈ ˈflu.a tra la ˈ ke ˈ ˈdi.a!/   Common phrases in Aelisaran: Hello: Lorsal - /ˈlor.sal/ Goodbye: Farel - /ˈfa.rel/ Please: Anprek - /ˈan.prek/ Thank you: Rukasi - /ruˈ Excuse me: Meskuz - /meˈskuz/ How are you?: Kaseto? - /kaˈ I'm fine: Mestaben - /meˈsta.ben/ My name is...: Menomel... - /meˈno.mel/ Nice to meet you: Plasenkont - /ˈpla.sen.kont/ Yes: Sa - /sa/ No: Na - /na/  

Possessive determiners

1st singular mia /ˈmi.a/ my
2nd singular tua /ˈtu.a/ your
3rd singular sora /ˈso.ra/ his, her, its
1st plural nostra /ˈnos.tra/ our
2nd plural vostra /ˈvos.tra/ your (pl)
3rd plural loria /ˈlo.ri.a/ their


  Aelisaran verbs have already been covered in previous messages.  


  Aelisaran has a base-10 number system:   1 - un
2 - du
3 - tri
4 - kvar
5 - sink
6 - sis
7 - set
8 - ok
9 - nov
10 - dek
100 - sent
1000 - mil

Derivational morphology

  In Aelisaran, words can be derived from one another through various morphological processes. Here are some examples:   Adjective → adverb = Add the suffix "-ment" to the adjective.
Example: bela (beautiful) → belament (beautifully)   Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Add the suffix "-eso" to the adjective.
Example: bela (beautiful) → belaeso (beauty)   Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Add the suffix "-igar" to the adjective.
Example: bela (beautiful) → belaigar (to beautify)   Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Add the suffix "-in" to the noun.
Example: sol (sun) → solin (sunny)   Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g., economy → economic) = Add the suffix "-al" to the noun.
Example: istoria (history) → istorial (historical)   Noun to verb = Add the suffix "-izar" to the noun.
Example: amiko (friend) → amikizar (to befriend)   Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Add the suffix "-ita" to the verb.
Example: kantar (to sing) → kantita (sung)   Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Add the suffix "-ado" to the verb.
Example: kantar (to sing) → kantado (singing, the act of singing)   Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g., know → knowledge) = Add the suffix "-ansa" to the verb.
Example: kantar (to sing) → kantansa (song)   One who [verb]s (e.g., paint → painter) = Add the suffix "-isto" to the verb.
Example: kantar (to sing) → kantisto (singer)   Place of (e.g., wine → winery) = Add the suffix "-ejo" to the noun.
Example: vino (wine) → vinejo (winery)   Diminutive = Add the suffix "-eto" to the noun.
Example: kasa (house) → kaseto (little house)   Augmentative = Add the suffix "-ego" to the noun.
Example: kasa (house) → kasego (mansion)   Verb → passive participle = Add the suffix "-ata" to the verb.
Example: kantar (to sing) → kantata (sung, passive participle)   Noun → collective noun = Add the suffix "-aro" to the noun.
Example: arbol (tree) → arbolaro (forest, a collection of trees)   Noun → abstract noun = Add the suffix "-ismo" to the noun.
Example: art (art) → artismo (artistry)   Verb → gerund = Add the suffix "-endo" to the verb.
Example: kantar (to sing) → kantendo (singing, gerund)   Noun → agent noun = Add the suffix "-ario" to the noun.
Example: libro (book) → librario (bookseller, one who deals in books)   Noun → instrument noun = Add the suffix "-ilo" to the noun.
Example: skribi (to write) → skribilo (writing instrument, pen)   Noun → opposition noun = Add the suffix "-antia" to the noun.
Example: kara (dear, expensive) → karaantia (cheapness)   Noun → place of origin = Add the suffix "-ano" to the noun.
Example: Aelisara (Aelisara, the imaginary country) → Aelisarano (Aelisaran, a person from Aelisara)   These examples illustrate the versatility of the Aelisaran language in deriving new words from existing ones through the use of different morphological processes.


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