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Fuyǐ Grama

Queen Fuyǐ Grama (a.k.a. The Engineer)

Biological parent of King Faf Grama, little is known of the Dwarven Queen as she kept mostly from public view., but her contributions to invention are well documented.  

Early Life

Lady Fuyǐ was born into a family of minor nobles in the Dwarven stronghold of Kekta Bandu. From a young age, she was raised to be a proper Dwarven lady, with lessons in etiquette, needlework, and the proper way to conduct oneself in the court of the High-Queen. Despite her training, Lady Fuyǐ was never content to simply sit and sew. She had a fierce curiosity and an adventurous spirit, and often snuck away from her lessons to explore the winding tunnels and hidden chambers of Kekta Bandu.   One day, while exploring a long-forgotten passage, Lady Fuyǐ stumbled upon a group of Dwarves working on a strange machine. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, with gears and levers and pistons all working together in perfect harmony. Fascinated, Lady Fuyǐ begged the Dwarves to let her help with their work. They were hesitant at first, but Lady Fuyǐ proved to be a natural engineer, with an instinctive understanding of how the machine worked. She spent hours tinkering and adjusting, until finally the machine roared to life.   From that day forward, Lady Fuyǐ devoted herself to the study of machinery and engineering. She spent every spare moment working on new inventions and machines, and soon became known throughout Kekta Bandu as a brilliant engineer. But Lady Fuyǐ's success did not come without its challenges. Many of her fellow Dwarves saw her fascination with machinery as un-Dwarven, and some even accused her of being a traitor to her people. Undeterred, Lady Fuyǐ continued to pursue her passion, earning the respect and admiration of those who recognized her talents. And although she never forgot her duties as a noble and a lady, she knew that her true calling lay in the world of engineering and innovation.  


  Over the years, Lady Fuyǐ created many inventions that revolutionized the way the Dwarves of Kekta Bandu lived and worked. Here are just a few examples:
  1. The Steam-Powered Hammer: Lady Fuyǐ was the first to develop a steam-powered hammer that could quickly and easily shape metal into the desired forms. This invention made it possible for the Dwarves of Kekta Bandu to produce finely crafted weapons and armor on a scale never before seen.
  2. The Automated Loom: Tired of spending hours weaving fabric by hand, Lady Fuyǐ invented an automated loom that could produce fabric at a fraction of the time and effort. This allowed the Dwarves of Kekta Bandu to produce clothing and textiles in greater quantities and at lower costs.
  3. The Automated Minecart: Tired of pushing heavy carts full of ore through the narrow tunnels of their mines, Lady Fuyǐ created an automated minecart that could carry the ore to the surface with ease. This invention not only saved time and effort but also greatly increased the productivity of the Dwarves' mines.

Meeting Lord Das Grama

Lady Fuyǐ and Lord Das Grama met when she was demonstrating her steam-powered hammer to the council of elders in Kekta Bandu. Lord Das Grama, who was serving as a representative of one of the nearby Dwarven strongholds, was in attendance and was immediately impressed by Lady Fuyǐ's invention. After the demonstration, Lord Das Grama approached Lady Fuyǐ to ask her more about her invention and to express his admiration for her work. They talked for hours about their shared passion for engineering and technology, and Lady Fuyǐ was struck by Lord Das Grama's intelligence, wit, and charm.   Over the years, their paths continued to cross at various engineering conferences and trade events, and they corresponded frequently via letters. As they got to know each other better, they realized they had much in common, including their love of technology, their commitment to advancing the interests of their respective strongholds, and their shared dream of one day creating a technological marvel that would change the course of Dwarven history.   Eventually, Lord Das Grama asked Lady Fuyǐ to marry him, and she accepted. They were wed in a lavish ceremony in Kekta Bandu, and over the years, they continued to work together on many projects, using their combined knowledge and expertise to bring about new innovations and advances in Dwarven technology.  

Later Life & Death

Lady Fuyǐ had lived a long and fruitful life, dedicating herself to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of Dwarven technology. However, as she approached her 1900th year of life, she began to feel the effects of her advanced age. Despite this, she remained as sharp and focused as ever, continuing to work tirelessly on new projects and inventions. In the year 79827, Lady Fuyǐ fell ill with a mysterious ailment that had never been seen before in the Dwarven Strongholds. Despite the best efforts of the healers and alchemists, her condition only continued to worsen, and she grew weaker with each passing day.   Lady Fuyǐ's illness was a result of a rare and previously unknown disease that had only recently been discovered in the mines beneath the Dwarven Strongholds. The disease, which was caused by exposure to a toxic mineral that had never been encountered before, was spreading rapidly through the Dwarven population, causing widespread panic and concern.   Despite her failing health, Lady Fuyǐ remained focused on finding a cure for the disease, working tirelessly with the healers and alchemists to develop new treatments and antidotes. She refused to give up, even as her strength began to fade, determined to find a way to save her people.   In the end, it was this fierce determination and unwavering spirit that defined Lady Fuyǐ's legacy. Though she ultimately succumbed to the disease, her tireless efforts and unwavering dedication to her people helped to inspire a new generation of Dwarven scientists and innovators, who would go on to continue her work and advance the cause of Dwarven technology and progress for generations to come.   As news of Lady Fuyǐ's passing spread throughout the Dwarven Strongholds, a deep sense of sorrow and loss swept through the community. Her death was mourned by all, and her legacy would be remembered for centuries to come.   Today, Lady Fuyǐ is remembered as one of the greatest engineers and inventors in the history of the Dwarven Strongholds, a true pioneer who pushed the boundaries of what was possible and helped to shape the course of Dwarven history. Her legacy lives on in the countless innovations and inventions that she helped to create, and in the hearts and minds of the Dwarven people, who will always remember her as a true champion of progress and innovation.


Wealth & Financial state

Her inventions gained her great wealth, wealth she was able to focus into the development of The City of Liv Grama.
Current Location
77940 79827 1887 years old
Light Blue
Long Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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