
(a.k.a. The Lovely, Mother of Men, Hearth Keeper)

Katia is the goddess of hearth, home, and community. She is often depicted as a warm, motherly figure who watches over and offers protection to families during harsh winters. Her divine influence can be felt in the cozy embrace of local inns and taverns, where her benevolent presence is likened to the heat of a stoked fire. While Katia typically does not directly intervene in the lives of mortals, her divine blessings are seen in the bonds of family and community that she fosters.   One of Katia's notable creations is the Bad Copper, a copper coin that is said to provide wealth for the forsaken and retribution for the greedy. It is said that those who possess the Bad Copper will always have enough to sustain themselves, even in the harshest of times. However, those who hoard the coin or use it for selfish gain are said to face misfortune and ill fate. The Bad Copper is often seen as a symbol of Katia's generosity and justice, as it rewards those in need and punishes those who seek to exploit others.   Katia's influence extends beyond just material wealth, as she is also associated with love, healing, and protection. She is often invoked in times of illness or injury, and her divine touch is said to bring swift and miraculous healing. Her protective gaze is also sought after by those in danger, as she is seen as a guardian of the vulnerable and defenseless. In matters of love, Katia is believed to bless unions and strengthen bonds, and her divine intervention has been known to bring about unlikely and enduring relationships.   In addition to her nurturing and protective qualities, Katia is also associated with law and justice. She is believed to be a fair and impartial judge, and her wisdom is sought after in matters of dispute and conflict resolution. Her divine justice is also seen in the natural consequences that befall those who act against the well-being of their community or family, as her wrath is said to be swift and decisive.   Katia's influence is felt not just in the mortal realm, but in the divine as well. She is known to have a close relationship with other benevolent deities, and her presence is said to bring about harmony and balance. Her warm and welcoming nature is also seen in the afterlife, where it is said that she greets the souls of the departed and offers them comfort and guidance.   Overall, Katia's benevolent and nurturing nature makes her a beloved and revered deity among mortals. Her influence can be seen in the bonds of family and community, and her divine blessings bring comfort, healing, and justice to those in need.

Divine Domains

Love, Community, Healing, Law, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification