Saint Selene

Saint Selene - Arinora (a.k.a. Star-eyed Selene, Saint Arin, Saint Sela, Radiant Rebel, The Martyr)

In the vast tapestry of Aelluros' history, certain threads shine brighter than others, weaving tales of heroism, sacrifice, and transcendence. One such thread belongs to Saint Selene Arinora, a beacon of hope in a time of darkness.   Born on the 7th of Basqus, during the twilight of the Holy Era, in a village that most maps forgot, Selene's story is a testament to the idea that greatness can emerge from the most humble of beginnings. With raven-black hair and eyes that seemed to challenge the very stars, she was, by all accounts, an ordinary human. But as is often the case, appearances can be deceiving.   From a young age, Selene displayed an unwavering sense of justice. It's said that she once confronted a corrupt mage for swindling a widow. And while the mage's pride was certainly bruised, the widow's purse was rightfully restored.   But it wasn't just her acts of bravery that set Selene apart. It was her beliefs. In a world where the scales of justice often tipped in favor of the powerful, Selene championed the cause of the downtrodden, the marginalized, the voiceless. And in doing so, she caught the attention of Ciena, the Holy.   Now, aligning oneself with a deity is no small feat. It's not akin to being chosen for a revered council or being honored with a sacred relic. It's a bond, a covenant. And for Selene, it was a calling.   As she journeyed through Aelluros, her deeds became the stuff of legends. Stories of her compassion, her wisdom, her resolve spread like wildfire. But as the saying goes, "Every light casts a shadow." And Selene's brilliance drew the ire of those who thrived in darkness.   On the fateful day of 12th of Etheerin, still in the Holy Era, whispers of a grand assembly reached every corner of Aelluros. The gathering, orchestrated by Lord Malenvar, a power-hungry noble with ties to dark sorcery, was said to be a celebration of unity and peace. But those familiar with Malenvar's ambitions knew better.   Selene, ever the beacon of justice, was invited—or rather, summoned—to this assembly. Many believed it was an opportunity for reconciliation, a chance for Selene to sway the hearts of the elite with her impassioned pleas for justice and equality. But Malenvar had other plans.   As Selene stood before the assembly, her voice unwavering, her words echoing the principles of Ciena, a hushed tension filled the air. She spoke of justice, of the inherent goodness in all, and of the divine light that guides every soul. But as her speech reached its crescendo, a shadowy figure, an assassin in Malenvar's employ, emerged from the crowd.   The blade was swift, the intent clear. Selene's radiant journey was cut short, not by the weight of her convictions, but by the treachery of those threatened by them. The assembly erupted in chaos, but the damage was done. Saint Selene Arinora, the beacon of hope, had been extinguished.   Yet, as history often shows, the end is just the beginning. Selene's martyrdom became the spark that ignited a revolution. Her beliefs, her teachings, and her sacrifice became the rallying cry for all those oppressed by the likes of Malenvar.   Today, Saint Selene Arinora is more than just a chapter in Aelluros' history. She's a symbol, a guiding star for all those who seek justice, who believe in the power of good, who dare to challenge the status quo. And in the hallowed halls of Ciena's temples, her legacy shines brighter than ever.   So, the next time you find yourself at a crossroads, faced with a choice between what's easy and what's right, remember Selene. Remember her courage, her conviction, her sacrifice. And let her story be a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there's always a glimmer of hope.
Date of Birth
7th of Basqus
Date of Death
12th of Etheerin
piercing blue
long raven-black hair, cascading waves