
(a.k.a. the Beastlord)

Strotaur, also known as the Beastlord, is a deity of immense power who is widely worshiped across the Thundering Plains, and the world. He is depicted as a massive four-armed humanoid with the head of an elephant, towering over all other creatures in the region. Legend has it that the three most prominent beast races of the plains were born from Strotaur himself. The Loxodon gained his head, the Minotaur his arms, and the centaur his hooves, cementing the Beastlord's place as the progenitor of all things bestial.   As a god of the earth and nature, Strotaur commands the beasts of the land, from the mighty elephants to the smallest insects. His strength and pride are unmatched, and his followers believe that he imbues them with these same traits. For this reason, warriors and hunters across the Thundering Plains pay homage to the Beastlord before going to battle or embarking on a hunt.   Strotaur is also a god of war, and his followers believe that he guides them to victory on the battlefield. His divine domains of strength and bestiality make him an ideal deity for those who seek to embrace their primal nature in combat. Many warriors will call upon the Beastlord in prayer before engaging in battle, hoping to gain his favor and be granted his blessing in the fight.   Despite his fearsome reputation, Strotaur is also a god of balance. The beasts he controls serve as a reminder of the natural order of the world, and the need to respect it. His followers are taught to be mindful of the impact they have on the environment, and to treat all creatures with the same respect they would give to the Beastlord himself.   Overall, Strotaur is a god who commands respect and reverence across the world. His immense power, wisdom, and connection to the natural world make him a force to be reckoned with, and his followers will stop at nothing to honor and worship him in all his glory.

Divine Domains

Earth, Nature, Strength, Pride, Bestial, War
Chaotic Good