

Vampirism came about as a failed magical experiment by a wizard dabbling in immortality, as per the request of Ithri Chórafar. For thousands of years, many of the more short lived races of mortals have wondered what it would be like to live forever. To see the world through the eyes of one of their longer lived neighbors, or perhaps even the Gods. While there were ways of gaining such immortality, such as becoming a lich, or some other form of lesser undead, there were great costs. Mortals wished for something that wouldn't have so many setbacks, specifically social or cultural ones, that come with lichdom.
  Vampirism, however, proved to be a solution that appeared to meet those desires. It was a gift of immortality that allowed those afflicted to walk among their living counterparts without the stigmatism that came with being undead. However, the curse of vampirism was far from a blessing.
  Those who were turned into vampires became powerful, but they also became cursed. They were forced to exist in a constant state of hunger, thirsting for the blood of the living to sustain their own lives. This unquenchable thirst often led to them becoming violent and unpredictable, with some succumbing entirely to their bloodlust and becoming feral beasts.
  The curse also brought about physical changes in those afflicted. Their skin paled to an almost translucent shade, their eyes became sharper and more predatory, and their teeth grew into razor-sharp fangs capable of piercing flesh with ease. These changes were seen as both a blessing and a curse, for while they allowed vampires to move unseen in the shadows and strike from the darkness, they also marked them as monstrous creatures and forced them to hide their true nature from the world.
  Despite the many dangers and drawbacks of vampirism, some mortals still sought out the curse. Many were attracted to the idea of eternal life and the power that came with it. Some even saw vampirism as a way to escape the inevitability of death and the unknown that came with it. However, those who sought out the curse often found themselves caught in a cycle of blood and violence, unable to escape the constant hunger that plagued them.
  In some cultures, vampirism was seen as a curse that could be cured or lifted through magical means, while in others it was viewed as a fate worse than death. In either case, vampirism remained a powerful force in the world, shaping the lives of those it touched and inspiring fear and awe in equal measure.

Transmission & Vectors

A special ritual casting. Exposure to afflicted saliva.


Weakness or pain when exposed to sunlight. Paled skin. Elongation of forward canines. Strange cravings.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital