Gallia Organization in Aelwad | World Anvil
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The kingdom of Gallia is the oldest and proudest kingdom in the unity faith. the bread basket of the known world, its lands are fertile and bountiful.   The Kingdom of Gallia is a feudal absolute monarchy, the barons of Gallia are given land by the grace of the crown, the peasantry of these lands is hard-working and have little say in the affairs of their betters. this is a land of chivalry, honour, and duty. there is little room for descent and debate.   The kingdom of Gallia is the oldest rival of the Holy Ruven Empire, in the past 600 years, the two states have been in almost constant conflict, by all out or proxy war. Gallia has claims on many of the land in the Holy Ruven empire.   However, after the last war between these two nations, Gallia lost and had to surrender its claim on the Hinterlands and its prized trade hub in the south - Marche


Feudal and highly traditional nation-state who's wealth comes primarily from the farming of wine and grain.    feudal structures comprised of the king handing out land grants to the nobles who in turn gave land to lords – Lords then hired peasants, bonded or free, to cultivate the land. In return, nobles and lords provided aid to the king during wars and owed their allegiance to him.   The status of different classes of society, under feudalism, was determined by the amount of land they owned. So for instance, peasants who didn’t own any land or simply lived on the land of the landowners were the lowest in the social strata.


In Gallia. there was a definite structure in society. You were born into a class of people and generally stayed in that class for your entire life. Working hard did not change your status. Your clothing, food, marriage, homes, etc., were determined for you. After the rank of king, the hierarchy was the nobles, the knights, the clergy (religious people), the tradesmen and the peasants. During the Ruven Empire, the people were ruled by a government that had a civil system. One of the duties of this government was to protect the people. When the empire collapsed, there was a king, but there was no formal organization to keep the people safe. The nobles filled this role. In turn for service to the nobles, either through farming the land or doing duties the nobles prescribed, the peasant people were given protection. The nobles offered this protection through the use of knights, who most often were the sons of the nobles


Gallia was one of the first, if not the first kingdom of men to rise form the ashes of the old elven empires.    Lands ravaged by thousands of years of civil wars, magic, and demons were suddenly abandoned. the men who survived were tough and strong, they rode on ragged nags from land to land scratching a living off rocks and raiding villages.   eventually the lands healed and those few riders settled the lands now known as Gallia. These soldiers eventually became the nobility and the land was further subdivided into vassals and fiefs.
Founding Date
220 AF
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