Unity faith Organization in Aelwad | World Anvil
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Unity faith

the one true god O'lie created humanity. took mortal form to free humans from bondage under the tyrannical rule of the old empires of elves O'lie preaches that magic is evil for, in the hands of the elves, it nearly destroyed the world. for this reason, elves are not welcome in the faith and are generally shunned by human society for their impure souls, for they can never truly be rid of the magic stain on their souls they can never truly be trusted.   true salvation can only come by hard work, loyalty to your lords, and the rejection of false gods, magic and lesser races unable to free themselves from the influence of magic.


Grand Pontiff Arch bishop bishop priest deacon monk

Public Agenda

to bring all of humanity under the one true faith and purge the land of all foul magics


huge sums of gold, vast swathes of land. private armies, secret organisations, knightly orders and entire kingdoms swearing fealty


O'lye created the earth and many creatures to enjoy it, upon seeing his creation he was pleased and slumbered, in his slumber the chaos of the void rose and made all manner of creatures on the earth. created magic to pervert and corrupt O'lyes creation. when he awoke he was angered, he created humans to purify the land, and struck out to bring balance and order back to the world.

Purge the unclean, cleanse the impure, peace through unity

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The one true faith
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

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