Lygosian Empire Organization in Aelwad | World Anvil
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Lygosian Empire

An Empire that spans the territories of the former fire caste city states.   it is ruled by a democracy of fire caste noble families, though few in number they still hold sway over a vast population of humans, dwarves and halflings alike.   The noble families of this city are very proud and traditional, they see themselves as a continuation of the Ruvenig empire which was faded into memory 2000 years ago


A noble democracy, The noble families of the empire which elect a new king form their number every 10 years.

Public Agenda

rebuild an empire lost, keep the spark of nobility alive in the hearts of mortals


sits on the trade route between the unity kingdoms and the spice road


Established by a fire caste general after the fall of the Ruvenig Empire, the few fire elves who survived the fall fled to their homland and established the city of Constantine. from here they established the Lygosian Empire where all were welcome

Bear the Light through the Filth

Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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