Sun elf Ethnicity in Aelwad | World Anvil
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Sun elf

Known as the fire elves, the sun elves and the fire caste they were known in ancient times for being organised and fair, they built the earliest and grandest settlements, settling under the fiery sun in the eastern steps of the continent where the mineral seams were rich. Citizenship was considered a duty to them and a pantheon of equals was established early on to rule over all matters. Every elf was expected to serve in the pantheon at least once in their lifetime and never for too long; this was to ensure society could benefit from everybody’s strength and not be subject to anybody’s weakness or tyranny for too long.   Now they rule the Lygosian Empire with its capital in Constantine, true heirs to the Ruven empire which faded long ago. they have an uneasy alliance with the kingdoms of the Unity faith after they adopted the Unity faith as the official language of the empire, though it is safe to say the Grand pontiff and his followers do not consider Elven rule to be legitimate

Naming Traditions

Family names



Art & Architecture

some of the grandest and richest in the known world. some artifacts beyond age are housed in the city of constantine.

Common Myths and Legends

the legend of king Alessor is told to all the children of the Sun elf noble families. his conquests have ignited the imagination of the young elves for thousands of years

Major organizations

The old city states of the fire caste now act as seats of power for the Noble houses of the empire. each with a rich history and tradition of its own.
Related Organizations
Related Locations

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