The Grand Caliphate Organization in Aelwad | World Anvil
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The Grand Caliphate

the birth of the grand caliphate was miraculaous and sudden. springing forth from the southern desert oasis, the grand Caliphate taken all its neighbours by suprise engulfing the lands of the Lygosian Empire and Tarthian Empires who has been at war for centuries. The Tarthian empire is nothing but memory now, whilst the Lygosian empire in Constantine is so embattled if cannot muster the strength to resists.   the Caliphs are an intelligent people, they rule over an eclectic mix of races, cultures and traditions but have managed to secure their power and even become popular by lowered taxes, provided greater local autonomy (to their delegated governors), greater religious freedoms including even the unity faith and brought peace to peoples demoralised and disaffected by the casualties and heavy taxation brought about by the wars between the two ailing empires.

Through her light, Ignorance is bannished


  • Iberia
    A vast mountainous region   it is characterised by deep fetile vallets and and arid upland vistas.   Once a jewel in the crown of the Ruvenig Empire, nothing but the magnificent architecture and birdges remain of that time, since the fall of the ruvenis empire the grand caliphate has come to rule these lands. unifying all of iberia for centuries the caliphates policy of tolerance and learning allowed iberia to experience a reneassaince. the greatest scholars, engineers and teachers from all over the world came here to share knowledge. that was until invasions from the north...   the unity faith swwept through the land, calling the first of their great cursades 150 years ago, the zealots of the faith swarmed into the land burning and pillaging as they went. Now the their unified forced call themselves the Reconquistas, a name which inspired fear in the caliphates population.   The Caliphy govorneres were not prepared for this onslaught, the forces of the Unity kingdoms seemed so backwards and disorganised they did not feel there was a large threat. however, the Reconquistas have now managed to conquer fully half of the iberian region with many more lands ready to fall. their armies are beyond number and wealth beyond measure, every man woman and child has been told that this crusade fo murder will clense their souls and guarnatee them a place in their heaven, they demand no pay or food. and every king in Aelwad offers coin in hopes that they can shar ein this glory.
Geopolitical, Empire
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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