Iberia Geographic Location in Aelwad | World Anvil
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A mountainous region characterised by deep fertile valleys and beautiful sun kissed vistas. Iberia was once the jewel in the crown of the Ruvenig Empire, however, nothing but the magnificently towering architecture and bridges of that age remain. Since the fall of the ruvenig empire the grand caliphate has come to rule these lands, successfully unifying the vastly different cultures and races of Iberia, for centuries the caliphate's policy of tolerance and learning has secured peace and created a technological and cultural renaissance in Iberia. the greatest scholars, engineers and teachers from all over the known world flock here in their thousands to share knowledge and expertise. that was until invasions from the north... the coming of the unity faith was quick and brutal, they swept through the land 150 years ago after the grand pontiff called a great crusade to liberate the region of Iberia and others like it from the clutches of the Caliphate. The Braying zealots of the one true faith swarmed into the land, burning and pillaging settlements as they want until fully half of Iberia was under unity rule. They call themselves the Reconquistas, re-conquers, here to drive out the filth of Isis once and for all.   The Caliphate Governors were not prepared for this onslaught, the forces of the Unity kingdoms seemed so backwards and disorganised that they did not feel there was much of a threat to resist. How wrong they were.   The Reconquista’s march is relentless, their armies are beyond number and wealth beyond measure, for every man, woman and child has been told that this crusade of murder will cleanse their souls and guarantee them a place in their heaven. This army demands no pay, no shelter or weapons, it fights freely and with a fervour few can temper, every king in Aelwad offers coin to fill the coffers of the reconquitas under orders of the Grand pontiff himself. For every gold coin sent in aid of the one true gods army is a burden lifted from the sin of their soul.   No Iberia is split down its centre, north and south. The Grand caliphate is attacked from every direction by religious fanatics and increasing internal pressures due to a need to pay for this war. This land represents a clash of cultures unlike anywhere in this world, in these desperate times, our heroes will find plenty of opportunity to seek gold and glory, and test the foundations of their very soul.
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