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The Ancients are born

Era beginning/end

The Dawn of time

The Giants and Gods are given life

The tale of Gods and Giants When the serpents of creation first lay down to rest after the defeat of GWAAG, their dreams were deeply troubled and their restless nightmares created chaos on the surface of this new world. Fiery breathing mountains burst from the sea and filled the sky with swirling hail storms of ash and rock, impossibly large tornados tore across the earth’s surface stripping it bare. The land was like was like jagged shards of cracked black rock punctuated by streams of magma and toxic boiling seas. The light of the sun barely visible through the maelstrom of acrid smog with blanketed the earth below.   There came a time when eventually their troubled dreams caused them to wake and see the devastation and desolation of the world around them. They realised that their Nightmares were tearing Gwaags prison asunder, this great labour would be for nothing should it failt now when they did not have the strength to re-forge it.   So they came together and in one final effort set out to create stewards for this world to ease the storms of magic and tend the lands so that creation could be saved once and for all.   Using the last of their power in a great sacrifice they carved the Giants from the clay of the earth and the gods from the space between spaces. So the deed was done, the Great Serpents faded into a timeless sleep leaving their bewildered children alone in a blasted realm with little or no inclination as to why they were made and what they should do.   The Giants seven labours The early giants were colossal titans capable of levelling mountains and carving out great canyons in the earth. They were lost, confused and many were troubled, what manner of being would bring them into this world, a world so inhospitable and turbulent, was this a punishment? It was a difficult time for the giants, some receded into the dark places in bitter hate, but many resisted, they were born a sense of purpose, a will to heal this world, to make it better and live a meaningful life.   With this the Giants of old set out to complete the seven great labours of their kin. - They hefted stone and capped the mountains of fire - they pulled the land from the boiling seas to make a safe home - they removed the poison from the seas - Cleared the ash from the sky - Once the earth had cooled they cleared the ice from the fjords - They found a small seedling, a strange and wondrous new form of life which they tended until it grew to be the great Oak Der - and when the land was filed with tree, field and plant they tended the garden of the world.   Gods   The gods were born into this world shapeless wisps of pure magical energy unable to take physical form, they were as dancing lights on the surface of this new realm singing to the serpents of creation as they wondered aimlessly through the maelstrom. They sang songs were of a beautiful melancholy that would fill your heart with a painful longing to calm their dreams of the Great serpents and beg for guidance, yet none came. For ages unknown they wondered the world singing and looking for some sign, many turned away from the chorus and went into the dark places of the world to become the fallen. Until finally the maelstrom abated, the storms calmed and their hearts rejoiced. This was the sign they were looking for, the nightmares of their masters were finally receding.   This great calm allowed the giants to carry out their seven labours and begin to heal the world. The giants were a source of wonder and amusement for the gods, who followed and observed these strange titanic beasts moving rocks, seemingly for no reason. Many of the gods and giants became close companions at this time, the gods taught the giants the joy of song and wonder whilst the giants taught the gods how to take physical form and a love for nature. However not everybody was content… Once the maelstrom abated those who fell form the path emerged. The fallen gods and giants came to help and hinder in equal measure. Some who realised the error of turning away from hope were welcomed back with open arms, but some were so embittered that they hated to see that this was part of some greater plan.   So began the Wars of the ancients, a war between gods and giants who saw the plan of the serpents to bring this world into being, and those who hated their creators, believing that any change in fortune was simply as a consequence of their own doing and not a part of some great plan. This war went on for an eternity, with terrible losses one both sides. The earth continued to heal and many noticed that their powers diminished with it. Eventually the gods and giants who survived were a mere fraction of their former numbers and those who had survived, were a pale comparison to the titanic and limitless power of the creatures that roamed the earth at its formation. Until one day the giants found a green shoot rising from amongst the ash. It was The sapling of the Eternal Oak. The wars were immediately stopped as all gathered around in wonder at this new life. For a time, the giants and gods shared a common goal and even shared offspring in some rare cases. Such as Orion the hunter and Floki who were both the offspring of giants and gods alike.

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