Aelwad The Timeline Timeline
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The Timeline

from the birth of creation to present day

  • The dawn of time
    Creation of the Universe
  • The Dawn of time
    The Ancients are born
    Era beginning/end

    The Giants and Gods are given life

  • 30000 before the fall
    birth of the elves
  • 25000


    The Derw born

    The Dwarves, born from the roots of Derw, have a unique and symbiotic relationship with the underground world. While the elves tend to the surface gardens, the dwarves cultivate and nurture the abundant life found within the world roots. Deep beneath the earth, they dwell in the flickering light of the twinkling dusklight that emanates from the roots, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The world roots provide ample light for the dwarves to sustain vast forests of enormous mushrooms and fields of fungus. These subterranean landscapes teem with exotic and unfamiliar game, showcasing the diverse and thriving ecosystem that exists beneath the surface.   Unlike the elves, who possess a strong connection to magic, the dwarves rely on alchemy and minerals to power their rituals and fuel their society. They have honed their craftsmanship and technological prowess to a level unmatched by any other race. Their halls, constructed from stone and earth, serve as the centers of their society and are marvels of engineering. These grand halls are not only places of dwelling but also repositories of knowledge, where the dwarves guard their secrets meticulously.   The dwarves, being the custodians of the world roots, share a kinship with the giants, who also have a deep connection with nature. This alignment with the giants further strengthens their commitment to preserving and protecting the natural world. They understand the delicate balance that exists between the realms and work tirelessly to ensure harmony is maintained.   Throughout history, the dwarves have been wary of outsiders and have closely guarded their knowledge and technological advancements. They fear that the misuse or unrestricted dissemination of their inventions could lead to another age of destruction, akin to the calamities of the past. This cautious approach has created an aura of mystery and exclusivity around their society, making it difficult for outsiders to access their secrets.   In summary, the dwarves, born from the roots of Derw, are deeply connected to the underground world and possess a profound understanding of the natural order. Their expertise in alchemy and technology surpasses that of any other race, and they use their knowledge to maintain their societies in their grand halls. They share a strong affinity with the giants and are wary of sharing their inventions and advancements for fear of unintended consequences. The dwarves stand as the guardians of the underground realm, committed to preserving its beauty and preventing any potential destruction.

  • 5000 BF - The corruption of DERW
    Derw – eternal Oak becomes sick
  • 3500BF - the rise of Alessor the mighty
    Alessor the mighty
    Discovery, Exploration

    Mightiest king of the Fire elves unites all the fire elf clans under one banner, Hero of a thousand duels against titanic beast and giants alikehe uck out into the east to explore the great unknown and brought the light of Ta'an to never before seen places. all the castes of elves knew his name, and paid homage to his glory.

  • 3000BF
    Ruven is born

    It was the early years of the sickness of DERW ( Eternal oak ) and the emergence of the void born, the elves had not long known the other elder races and had only recently started arming themselves into militias to protect their boarders from random bestial incursions. Since the sickness had been discovered in DERW more and more creatures were found with unnatural mutations, magical scaring on their souls and a heightened levels of aggression. The gods had become withdrawn, apparently consumed with some internal dispute.

  • -2800 BF the birth of an Empire
    Birth of the Ruvenig Empire
    Era beginning/end

    once united in the land of Ruven. the Air caste looked beyond their boarders and set out to unify the world for the greater good against the raising void.

    More reading
  • 2800 BF the founding of man
    Man is born
  • 1200BF The outcasts
    The shadow elves banished
  • 999BF
    The Elven civil wars
  • 250BF The formation of the Grand Alliance
    The Grand alliance
  • 1BF The Fall of the Ruvenig Empire
    The fall of the Ruven Empire
  • 0 BF - The Oak of Eternity destroyed
    The Fall

    high on the victory of the battle of Cannoy, the races of the world rejoyced. however their celebrations were cut short when word reach Tyrion that Gwynne, lord of Annwn had layed siege to the Great Oak of Derw

  • 256AF The Founding of the Lygosian empire
    The Lygosian Empire

    The founding of the Lygosian Empire from the ashes of the Eastern Ruvenig empire by the Fire caste elves who survived the fall.

    More reading
    Lygosian Empire